Mary, the Holy Door of the sons of God

  1. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus, the Cradle of Love, the Heart of the Divine Child is beating; the Divine Child, descended here (Acts 1:11) to bring everyone the Joy, Peace and Love of His new Christmas: His Return among us (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘The Return of Jesus’, 30/10/1994).

  2. All those who approach and enter through this Holy Door with faith (Rev 4:1) will hear the Beating of the Divine Child, a Beating which is herald of joy and holiness, so that they may be filled with His infinite Love, which is the Source of eternal Life (Ps 35:10).

  3. One is the Holy Door that leads to the Heart of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And Her Name is Mary (Lk 1:27b), the gentlest and most beautiful Name there is. Mary, Door to Heaven; Mary, Door that leads the sons to see Heaven; Mary, Door that introduces the sons into the Heart of the Father, which is Salvation (Rev 7:10).

  4. Let everyone who wants to live out Christ’s Christmas to the full, so that he might be reborn pure and holy in Christ the Lord and enter into the Pact of Friendship with God the Father Almighty, cross the threshold of Mary’s Heart, asking for forgiveness (Ps 50; Lk 1:54), overcoming all resistance of one’s ‘ego’ in order to ask Mary to be welcomed as a refugee in Her Immaculate Heart, to be reborn to New Life and then be refreshed and nourished by Her sublime Love, which is Holy and which in the Son is Person. And the Word was made flesh again, and came to dwell among us (Jn 1:14).

  5. Here is the Christmas of Christ and His sons. Here is the ‘necessity’ today, in these final times, to consecrate oneself to Mary (Act of Magisterium, ‘Consecrating oneself to Mary is a necessary Act’, 14/10/2024), in order to be born again from above, of the Spirit (Jn 3:7), and come near this second and last Grotto (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘The Holy Spirit’, 13/09/1984), where the Heart of the Child God is beating, the Child God who came down among His sons to give them a new Life, for all eternity.

  6. Passing through the Holy Door, the sons will be ushered by the Holy Spirit-Love before the Throne of God (Rev 4:2) and they will find the King who will welcome them: the one and only King (Rev 15:3), good, holy and loving: He who welcomes His sons on the road of life; He who welcomes His sheep yearning for love; He who welcomes all those who, following in the footsteps of Jesus, are beggars for love (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘Year One of the New Era’, 31/12/1994.

  7. Behold the Son and the sons, joined in mutual and universal Love (Jn 15:9). Jesus is the One who goes in search of the love of all, so that the sons’ love, piercing His Heart of God, may be given back to them pure and holy, new, so that the sons may be renewed and nourished by His Love of God, of Brother, of Friend, and become as He is.

  8. Behold Christ’s Christmas (Rom 6:4): Jesus is born again in the hearts of His sons, so that together they may rejoice (2 Cor 3:6), celebrate, waiting for the final fulfilment, that eternal moment when everything will be unfolded in order to be opened up again and be, in order to live out eternal holiness.

  9. This is what is already being lived out in this House: House, no longer of hope but of certainty; House, no longer of expectancy but of fulfilment; House, of the sons of God; House, where Jesus finds His Rest (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘The Holy City’, 23/06/1996).

  10. Behold the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), where Jesus has established His Throne, where the Spirit is awake and alive, holy and loving. Here the Lord awaits His sons, to welcome them all and save them all, to imprint on them His Seal of Love (Rev 7:4), the Seal of the God of Love, so that all may be brought to life again, as opposed to those who are spiritually dead, no longer taking care of their heart, their being; and, heedless of all this, they have lost Love, contact with Christ, the Sign of this humanity’s rebirth.

  11. Let everyone who wishes to keep living, to go back to living and understand how to live, go back to understanding the profound Bond between the Creator, who gave life, and the creatures who became sons in the Son of God (1 Jn 3:1-3).

  12. This is the unbreakable Bond that must join the Father and Son’s Heart with the heart of the sons, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, She who generates and regenerates, She who is the Interweaving of Love between the Son and the sons (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘Maria I consecrate myself to You’, 10/03/1986). In Mary this profound Bond of Love will let the sons feel the Quiver of Love, the Holy Spark that will bring everyone back to Life, so that those who want to live may feel the true meaning of Life.

  13. This is the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus, Heart of the Father, where there is the Foundation of Life. Little Cradle: small for the world, great in the eyes of the Father (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘The Tabernacle of Jesus’, 19/06/1994), who gave it to His sons in time and on time so that, the moment everything would fall apart and many would become refugees, the sons would have ‘the’ House, One, Holy and Universal; the Holy House, which stands apart from many wicked houses, from many love nests filled with the common sin of pride, envy and lack of holiness.

  14. Aware of all this, the sons, united with the Son, thank the good and holy Father for having given them ‘the’ House; they thank the good and holy Father for having given them Her (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘You are never alone’, 28/10/1985) who physically and spiritually built this House in their hearts: House of Goodness, House of Sublime Love, House of Brotherhood, House of the Encounter with Heaven; House, where everyone can love and take care of Baby Jesus, to unite themselves with His Warmth, His Love, His Gaze and conform to His Heart.

  15. To unite oneself to Baby Jesus’ Heart means dying to oneself, dying to one’s own ‘ego’ in order to let God be born again in one’s own heart: being born again, new and holy, animated by His own Feelings (Phil 2:5), striving to be perfect just as the Holy Father is perfect (Mt 5:48) the Holy Father in Heaven (Mt 6:9), who has pitched His Tent in the New Jerusalem (Rev 7:15) so that Heaven and Earth may be one.

  16. Here is the message of this House so that all may live out the Holy Christmas: ‘Love one another in the only Love (Jn 13:35); let yourselves be joined together by the only Spirit of Love; let yourselves be pierced by the only Gaze that comes down from Heaven to pierce hearts: to purify them, sanctify them, mold them as Jesus wishes, in order to always be new, alive, holy, in order to welcome and fulfil His Holy Will every day (Mt 6:10)’.

  17. Behold the House of Love (Rev 21:10), the House of mutual respect, the House of human tolerance and intolerance of sin and all that is wicked.

  18. Let everyone who wants to live out the Christmas of Christ come and step inside the Door of His Heart, to enter His House (Jn 14:2) and dwell in it for ever. A solid House, founded on the Rock (Mt 7:25), which is rooted in the Heart of the Father and which no earthquake will ever be able to taint, because it is surrounded by the love of His sons and the Love of Mary.

  19. Mary’s Immaculate Heart is and always will be the protective Shield of God’s sons (Lk 1:49) and an impassable Barrier (Gen 3:15) for all those who, in time and on time, have abjured the faith, condemned God and killed the Spirit in many hearts.

  20. The Source of the Holy Spirit is the New Jerusalem, Mother Earth (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘The Source of Mercy and Peace’, 19/04/1998), preserved from sin and man’s neglect. Behold the Island of Love, the White Island (Spirituality, ‘The “White Island”, God’s dwelling place among men’, 26/06/2016) where the purity of faith is kept and preserved, so that every son of God, landing on this Shore (cf. Mk 4:35) may freely: profess the one Truth (Jn 8:32) that saves, which is Christ the Lord, the only Saviour of the world; rejoice and cause others to rejoice; love and cause many to discover and re-discover true Love; be, so that all may consist in the Life of the Son of God, because one and great shall be ‘the’ Jubilation of the sons when the last Trumpet sounds (Rev 11:15), and Paradise on Earth forever shall be.

  21. This is the true Love: the Love of God, One and Trine, who came down from Heaven in the form of a Child to invite all His sons to rejoice and to flock to His House, because when the Door closes there will be no more room for those who in the meantime will have deliberately chosen to remain outside; but all those who will have entered, will rejoice and look ahead (Mt 22:1-14), only ahead, towards the only Centre, which is the Heart of the Father, the Foundation of Life (Rev 21:6). In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

December 24, 2024
Eve of the Holy Christmas

The Pontiff