The Christian Faith
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Christian Faith is the centre of every believer’s life in Christ the Lord, the Son of the Living God, the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life (Jn 14:6), the One who has triumphed over death and defeated sin (2 Tim 1:10).
Whoever believes in the Son of the living God will not die, will be saved and will rise again to eternal Life (Jn 11:25-27). He who entrusts himself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Universal Co-redemptrix, will be saved.
This is the Heart of the Christian Faith, the centre of the life of believers in Jesus and Mary. Outside of this, there is no Salvation (Acts 4:12).
This is the authentic Christian Doctrine, which is lived in the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem. This is the Doctrine of the Son of God, Love made Flesh, who is God, who is Person (Jn 1:14). His Name is God: God saves is His Name.
Humanity has rejected Christ and His Saving Sacrifice (Ps 117:22). And He who should have brought His everlasting and eternal Doctrine to all, has sold off the Christian Faith (2 Th 2:3) for a miserable plate of human lentils (Gen 25:34), to worship another god who flatters everybody, exalts everybody, bestows favours upon everybody, and offers human power, but who, after having taken advantage, abandons them, leaving everybody helpless, in a loneliness and despondency that kills the soul, enslaved by sin and their own conscience, aware of having betrayed the Spirit of God.
Humanity, empty of the Spirit of God, of the only-begotten Spirit that nourishes the authentic Christian Faith, is prey to the enemy of God (Sir 27:10; 1Pt 5:8) who subdues the world, victim of hatred and violence, selfishness and war, which will swallow peoples and nations, who will disappear and no longer be.
The Christian Saints and Martyrs are God’s true heroes, those who gave their lives to make everything and everyone converge in He who is Life. These are the shining Examples of God, given to mankind so that everyone could live the day of Life, those who – thanks to their Example and Sacrifice – have allowed the Christian Faith, the Faith in the one Lord who saves, to reach the present day. Blessed are those who, still living on this Earth, have put and still put His Name, His Word, His Life first, following His everlasting and eternal Teachings, as well as partaking in His ultimate Sacrifice (Rev 14:12).
Here is the lively and total union of those who wish to be part of Christ, to live in Christ and to welcome Christ into their hearts, as Christ welcomed those who preceded us into His Holy Heart of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Here is the indissoluble union between the Feast of the Christian Faith and the Feast of All Saints, those who have made Holy Proselytism their reason for living, in the knowledge that outside of Christ there is no Salvation; those who, today more than ever, want for everyone to aspire to holiness, starting over and placing at the centre of everyone’s life the essential foundations of Christianity: ‘Love the Lord your God; and love your neighbour as yourself’ (Mt 22:36-40). This is the Testament of God.
The Holy Proselytism of the sons of God is not ‘solemn nonsense’ but is Jesus’ ‘Solemn Command of Love’ (Mk 16:15-16) to His faithful sons, those who, like blazing Torches, shine with Light to bring everyone the only Light that saves, the only-begotten Saviour, who came down to the Land of Love (Acts 1:11) to lead all to Salvation. Here is the Proselytism of Love of the Little Remnant of God’s Israel (Is 4:3), of the true ‘Israel’ who stayed true to His teachings, bringing the salvific message of the Son of God to all: not by imposing the law of ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’, which will turn against them because war calls for war; not by violence, threatening and imposing death on those who do not accept the invitation of others to conversion; but neither by selling off and watering down the authentic Christian Message, in order to gradually lead it towards extinction, bringing everyone into a ‘common home’ where a generic (but well-known) ‘civilisation of love’ reigns, into a ‘new world order’ where a ‘new humanism’ (which elevates man and discards the God-Man) is central.
The Covenant that God the Father Almighty made with the Jewish people has been abrogated (Heb 8:13). The Covenant that God the Father Almighty stipulated with the Roman Catholic people has been abrogated, because of the betrayal of the Holy Spirit, cursed upon and not accepted (Mt 12:31) in His purifying and salvific Action, which in the Mystery of Christ’s Return (Jn 14:3; Ac 1:11) in the New Jerusalem finds fulfilment.
In the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), Christ is once again ‘the’ Stone placed in the centre: Cornerstone for His faithful sons; Stumbling Stone for others (Rom 9:32c-33), upon which many will get crushed (Is 8:14-15; Mt 21:44).
Here is the Church re-founded on the one Stone, which is Rock (1 Pet 2:7-10); the everlasting and eternal Church: One, Holy and Universal; the Church of Love: Solid, Pure and Holy.
The Solidity lies in the Faith: a true and authentic Faith, a lively Faith in Him who is, in the only Rock that will never crumble (Is 28:16), because the sons who dwell in it have put their faith and trust in the Father. Pure, because it does not deviate or allow itself to be deviated, neither to one side nor the other, but looks straight ahead, where Purity is Life, where there is the only Light that traces the path to reach the only Summit (Is 56:7) where the Heart of the Father dwells. Holy: because in the Holy of Holies (Ez 41:23; Is 66:18b-22) she allowed herself to be permeated and take root, so that those roots could take root in the heart of every believer of the Mother Church (Rev 7:14-15), the only Mother Church, the only Mother who gathers Her sons to lead them all to the Father: the only and eternal Spirit, who is alive, is Holy and works ceaselessly.
Here is the battle under way between Good and Evil, in Heaven as it is on Earth (Rev 12:7-9.17-18). Here are the Angels and Archangels, headed by Saint Michael the Archangel, who vanquish the Evil One and his hosts. Here is Mary, who leads His Celestial Army and God’s Holy People, God’s White People, because they have preserved the purity of faith: those who live to be holy (Lev 11:45; Mt 5:48), who stand against apostates and idolaters, blasphemers of the Holy Spirit God and all that belongs to Him (Rev 21:8).
The evil one wraps himself and writhes around the Stepmother (Rev 17:3, 5), she who has depleted her Treasure (Rev 18:23), sold out her sons (Rev 17:6), annihilated faith in the true Lord (Rev 17:13), worshipping what is earthly (Rev 17:4).
The roots of the Son of God are entwined in the Heart of Mary and of His sons, of His offspring, destined to defeat the ancient serpent (Gen 3:15).
Here is the difference: the Mother embraces; the Stepmother, gripped (Rev 18:16), grips (Rev 18:4). Mary, the only Mother (Rev 12:1), gives the Breath; the enemy of God takes it away: the necessary Breath that in these final times the Mother of God gives to humanity.
Here is the Consecration to Mary’s Immaculate Heart that the Mother Church is now asking of her sons and of all men and women of good will as a ‘necessary Act’ (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘Mary, I consecrate myself to You’, 10/03/1986; Act of Magisterium, ‘Consecrating oneself to Mary is a necessary Act’, 14/10/24). Here is the living understanding of Her essence as Mother. Here is that living will for every son of God to be like Mary, the only Woman, ‘the’ Woman of God, ‘the’ Holy Woman, so that all, with Her Love, may grow, live and be: in order to be able to know Jesus more and more; in order to be able to understand the Father’s Love that was poured out on Mary (Lk 1:30).
By understanding the Love of the Father, one understands the Heart of the Son, in order to understand the grace of Mary, the eternal Grace, Mother of the Grace (Lk 1:28).
That is why, by invoking Mary, one defeats the enemy of God and all evil (Lk 1:49): by praying Mary with a sincere heart; by invoking Mary with a lively heart, with a lively devotion, in order to be always away from sin and victorious over all evil.
This is the devotion of the sons of the Mother Church to Mary, She who was filled with the Holy Spirit (Lk 1:35), She who is the inexhaustible Source of the Father’s Love.
This is the Doctrine of the Mother Church, which finds fulfilment in the Son of God: the Doctrine of a God who is Father, who is Son (Jn 10:30) and who lives in the Mother (Rev 21:3).
This is why the Action of the Holy Spirit, which no one will ever be able to restrain, is alive and continuous, never ended and never ceased: it continues and will continue more alive than ever, until Evil and the Evil One are annihilated once and for all (Jn 14:16).
And then it will be Liberation. And then it will be Triumph: ‘the’ Triumph of the Good, Jesus Supreme Good, over Evil: over the Evil One and all his hosts, who will be hurled down for eternity (Rev 20:10), never to harm mankind again. Then the Heavens will be one, the Light will be eternal, the Angels and Saints will sing and play the last Hymn and then give way to that eternal never-ending Hymn.
Then this Earth, insulted and stricken by man’s neglect and selfishness, will be new and renewed, purified by the Fire of the Holy Spirit Love; the Heavens will be new; Earth and Heaven will be one (Rev 21:1). And everyone will be able to return to live in the Garden of God (Gen 2:15), where one talked with God, walked with God, and God was with His sons. The sons will then be able to contemplate His Face (Ps 41:3) and call Him by His Name (Phil 2:9), for God Saves is His Name (Jn 1:4). In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
October 27, 2024
Last Sunday in October
Solemn Feast of the Christian Faith
The Pontiff