The Reciprocity of Love in the Holy Family
and the Mystery of Life
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. May the Love of Jesus, His Merciful Heart and His Holiness be with all the sons of God who love the Holy Family, who love St Joseph and Mary Most Holy, the Ones whom God the Father Almighty chose and gave to His Son (Lk 1,27), so that in the Holy Family every family may be and consist.
The Feast of the Holy Family is the foundation of the journey of every Christian, so that the Holy Family may be for all the centre of true Love, of how the Father had envisioned it, because from that Union Life was born, Life, the immense gift of the Father (Gen 1,28), is born.
Everything begins from what God joins (Gen 1,27). And so, Life, the supreme gift of the Father, comes. Here lies the meaning of the paternal and maternal Love that St Joseph and Mary Most Holy give to everyone (Mt 2,13).
Mary Most Holy and St Joseph are the Source of the Church, which began in that Love, spousal and familial (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘Saint Joseph’, 19/03/1998). Here is the first Church: husband and wife; man and woman; parents and children. Family: rib of Life (Gen 2,22).
Family is the domestic Church. Every home, every family must be, today more than ever, a cradle of love, filled with divine Love (Gen 7,1).
On time and in time, men have failed to understand the value of the Custody of Saint Joseph, the value of His Love, the value of His Charity (Mt 13,55). As it often happens, man discards and forgets what is good in order to fill himself and feed on what is unhealthy (Rom 1,24-27).
Human Strength and Strength of Heart resided in Saint Joseph, for the Father infused His Heart with the Paternal Imprint. There was no doubt in Saint Joseph’s Heart: His Heart was only animated by the will to persevere on the right Path (Mt 1,19); His Heart awaited Completion; His Heart set an Example for Little Jesus’ upbringing; His Holy and Pure Heart won the favour of the Father (Mt 1,20), who entrusted him with the Custody of the Son.
St Joseph was never subdued by the Divine Will and was never annihilated as a man by Mary. In their reciprocity, St Joseph and Mary Most Holy gave the example of how to live and live in holiness.
This is why the Holy Christmas time must be a time of rest for all: rest from the troubles of everyday life (Lk 21,34); a holy and propitious time for all to focus on the life-giving spousal union, to find themselves again in that initial cell, represented by Mary’s Love and Joseph’s Love.
Every family must be able to find itself again in the foundation of the Church: in Mary Most Holy and in St Joseph, so that it may be able to understand, with tangible love, through real and actual People, what the ‘Reciprocity of Love’ is, on which everyone must feed, in order to give life to the fruit of love (Revelation of Mary Most Holy to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘The Divine Family and the Golden Ladder’, 25/12/1988).
Here is Jesus, ‘the’ Fruit of the Father’s Love (Mt 26,29), given to His sons so that He may grow in every heart.
Here is Baby Jesus, who burst into this world as Sign of breach between what was old and what was to become new (Lk 2,34). Here is the Novelty, the Good Tidings, revealed to the little ones, the simple ones by the Will of the Father (Lk 10,21).
And once again, in these times, Baby Jesus, the Source of Truth (Jn 16,13), has burst into this world, as an unmistakable Sign of the Father’s Love: again, Sign of breach between what is human and what is divine; Indelible Sign of the Living Action of the Holy Spirit of the Father (Rev 14,14) that finds and will find Completion on this Holy Mountain (Jn 4,21-24), where no one will ever have Authority but He who comes from the Father, for His Name is Salvation (Mt 1,21).
And behold, in the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus we live the History of Salvation, the History of the Conception of Humanity, born, grown, returning to the Father to be reborn in Mary (Jn 3,3), renewed in Her pure and holy Love, so that all those who have stayed faithful to the one Truth may be reborn to new Life, that promised Life which must find fulfilment for all eternity (Rev 2,7).
Behold Baby Jesus’ second and final Grotto (Revelation of Mary Most Holy to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘The Holy Spirit’, 13/09/1984), where the Source of the Father’s Love, His infinite Goodness (Ps 25,3) dwells, where on entering one meets Him who created everything.
Freed from all that is human, on entering the Little Cradle one is immersed in the Mystery of Life. Little Cradle: Cleansing of souls (Spirituality, ‘The New Jerusalem: Clensing of souls’, 14/08/2017), Narrow and wide Door that leads to Salvation.
The moment human life is forsaken, when the heart stops and the human casing loses its consistency, the soul (Ps 41,2-3; 129,6), united with the spirit, joins with its Creator (Job 12,10).
And that Moment is eternal, because in that Moment there can also be a request for forgiveness (for those who wish to ask for it) of everything that humanly did not conform to the Law of the Father, hence Repentance (Ps 41,6); just as there can also be eternal Punishment (Mt 10,28).
Here is the Custody of Saint Joseph, Custodian of the Little Cradle (Pontifical Decree, ‘Glorious Saint Joseph’, 25/03/2020); here is the Intercession of Mary, the Universal Coredemptrix (Pontifical Decree, ‘In Mary, with Mary and for Mary’, 22/12/2019); and here is Baby Jesus, He who reveals the Heart of the Father, the Foundation of Life (Jn 1,4). In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
December 29, 2024
Feast of the Holy Family
The Pontiff