Universal Message of the Mother Church
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. On the Holy People of God and on all people of good will may be Peace (Lk 2,14), the Peace of Baby Jesus.
This is the Christmas of the hearts (Magisterium Act, ‘The Christmas of hearts’, 25/12/2024): Jesus is born in the hearts of his sons to give them Peace and Love, Joy and Holiness, so that everyone may live a new beginning.
Here is Mary, the Holy Door to the Father’s Heart (Act of Magisterium, ‘Mary, the Holy Door of the Sons of God’, 24/12/2024), She who wants to welcome all into Her Immaculate Heart so that everyone may be reborn from above (Jn 3,3), through the Holy Spirit-God.
In Mary’s virginal Womb one is reborn (Act of Magisterium, ‘Mary, Mother of Christendom’, 31/10/2024) to be holy and perfect (Mt 5,48), in the will to want to be so every day, offering one’s life and everyday life to the Holy Father.
Docile and obedient to the Will of the Father, the sons live with the sole desire to be instruments of His Love, to be able to incarnate each day the Teaching of the Maiden of God, She who is Mother in faith, She who, united with the Angels and Saints, proclaims: ‘Do with Me as You please, Thy Will be done’ (Mt 6,10).
The more the sons will be able to be docile to the Will of the Holy Father, the more the Path that leads to Salvation (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘The Return of Jesus’, 30/10/1994) will become the Path that all will want to tread with Love, to be reborn firm on the one Truth and to be ready to live in fullness the Eternal Life (Jn 14,6), that everyone will live at the moment of the Fulfilment of the Fulfilments.
May the year that begins today be full of Love, towards God and our neighbour (Mk 12,30-31), being aware that in our brother shines the Face of God, in our sister the Face of Mary.
This is what I ask today, with love and humility, to all the sons of God: ‘Be holy and be full of Love, for it is by this that they will recognise us’ (Mt 7,20).
Love: that Love that the world has lost because it has fallen victim to lovelessness and disunity. As written, ‘Lovelessness leads to war, to separation between the divine and the human, between the pride of man and the nobility of Heaven. Lovelessness leads to division, to misunderstanding; it turns brothers against brothers, Peoples against Peoples, Nations against Nations’ (Magisterial Act, “The Christmas of Hearts”, 25/12/2024).
Let us therefore put Love towards God and our neighbour at the centre once again; and let us entrust ourselves to Mary, to take and hold Her Hands firmly (Revelation of Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, ‘The Return of Jesus’, 30/10/1994) and continue along the Path of Salvation, to be reborn to a new Life and to be able to contemplate ever more closely the Heart of the Father, which is alive, is beating and is here (Act of Magisterium, ‘The Reciprocity of Love in the Holy Family and the Mystery of Life’, 29/12/2024). In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
January 1, 2025
Eighth Day of Christmas
Solemn Feast of Mary Most Holy
Mother of God
The Pontiff