Pages from my heart

(Le pagine del cuore)

Leafing through the pages of the book of my heart
I reread my life, O Lord!
How many pages stained with pride,
How many others I want to forget,
But the most beautiful page is the story about us:
That day before Your Cradle, my eyes in Yours,
That page is written with flames of Divine Love;
You wrote it, Baby Jesus!


“Love, with all your heart, never tire,
Love God and your brothers.
Love, Love even more, I am at the door
My Love has conquered death!”

Only You, my Jesus, can Know!
How many pages remain to be written?
I want them to be only phrases of love                  
I would write them, along with You my Lord
On the most beautiful page, it will read:
“Christ has returned, alleluia!”
Please, write it soon, Sweet Child,
Give us rest along our way!
