The one and only Mystical Body
One is the Mystical Body of Christ. One is the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem. God’s sons join as one in the only Mystical Body (1Cor 12:27), which is Church, to manifest with an only voice their belonging to God, to the Mystery of God, to defend the authentic Christianity and to remove any pitfall that the enemies of Christendom want to insinuate, in this time, in the hearts of many.
The sons of God want to reunite all the authentic Christians under the only Vexillum that saves, under the only Mantle that gives protection and shelter to all the sons who believe in Jesus, the Saviour of the world, and who entrust themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Queen of Heaven and of Earth, and universal Mother.
If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot last (Mk 3:24). The universal message of God’s Son, calls every heart of good will to face and overcome every trial and every attempt to divide the true Christianity, the Church, that the evil one and the children of iniquity would want to destroy.
The Mother Church guards to ensure that the authentic Christianity may be preserved and the Father’s Commandments and His Son’s authentic teachings may be understood, loved, respected and put into practice by all those who want to be “sons” (Jn 1:14; 1Jn 3:1) and not only “creatures” of the Father; and by all men and women of good will, who are seeking the true God.
All those who, in the “Little Cradle of Baby Jesus”, will open their hearts to the action of the Divine Spirit will be cleansed by His living action and, asking for forgiveness with sincerity of heart, will experience the infinite Mercy of the Father, that in this the Land of Love flows with abundance from His Heart of Father, Good and Holy, Merciful and Just, so to unite all His sons in the one and only Mystical Body that saves, the Universal Christian Church, with which the Father has restored His Covenant for eternity.
The Mother Church holds Her children tightly to protect them from the furious action of satan who, – as it is common knowledge – with his children would have launched his attack against the true Christianity in these end times. The Father takes care of His sons and will never abandon His Church, the mystical Body of Christ, made up of many limbs (Rm 12:4-5; 1Cor 12:12-27) that work under the guidance of the one and only Spirit (1Cor 12:4.11), the Divine Spirit that the Father has sent down to His Land of Love to free men from the slavery of sin.
The sons of God will hold one another tightly in the living prayer, which will grow intensely, and in the true brotherhood, which will be even more lived with passion and authenticity, so that their witness of uniqueness, of intent, of action, of spirit, may be a tangible and holy sign for everyone, so that the Church, the mystical Body of Christ (Eph 5:30), cleansed of every dross, may shine even more, take vigour and arise, so to manifest to the world the presence of the Glory of the Father, the Power of the Son and the Love of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the Land of Love, in the White Island, in the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), gift of the Father for humanity.