New Jerusalem
The Father’s Vineyard
In the New Jerusalem, the presence of the Father is increasingly alive, in transmitting to everyone His total participation in the fulfilment of His Plan of salvation for humanity (Is 25:9; 51:5-6; 52:10; 56:1; 60:18; 62:1; Lk 1:68-71; 3:6; 1Ts 5:9; 1Pt 1:3-5; Rev 19:1). The presence of the Father is alive in the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:3). And the vitality of the Father will allow His sons to express and manifest the authenticity of His message, which comes to fulfilment in the New Jerusalem (Rev 21: 2), the Land of Love chosen by the Father to bring everyone to live and experience His essence and His substance as Father.
In this Land of Love, the sons of Christ are increasingly sensing their belonging to the Father’s Heart, His fatherhood (Eph 3:14-16), and the presence of His living Heart which attracts to Himself all those sons who wish to understand His intervention, to adhere to His Plan of Love, to love and to return to love the Son of God as the one only primary Good (Jn 17:3). Only in this way every man and every woman of goodwill may fully understand the true meaning of the Father’s Love, that in His Son is, so that they may all be one with Him (Jn 17:21-26).
Here it is that in these end times of the history of humanity, the true sons of God are called to defend the authenticity of the essence and substance of the Father, that is alive, concrete and tangible; and they are called to defend the spiritual creation of God, the concrete creation of God’s action in history (Heb 1:1‑2), which is in contrast with another idea of creation, sweetened and artificial, which wants to join with what does not come from the Father’s Heart, so to make everyone forget the essence of the Father’s creation and the substance of His original thought, the substance of the origin.
Here is the action of the Holy Spirit that comes from the Father and the Son (Jn 15:26), which has cut every tie with a house that no longer teaches to respect the authentic teachings of Jesus but that makes use of deception, artifices and falsehood, going through with an anti-Christian action that wants to distance everyone from Christ and His Word, causing confusion and disorientation in the heart of those who want to remain in Christ (1Jn 2:21-23; 2Jn 7-11).
Now the Father has pruned, cut and thrown away that Covenant with that house (Mt 3:10; 7:19; Lk 13:7) that He had already re‑established many times in the past, despite her errors and sins. The Father needed love. The Father was in need of those who wanted to transmit His live love, of holy ministers and not of priests who have lost the right path and have betrayed the task that the Father had entrusted to them: that of working in His Vineyard, for His Vineyard, with His Vineyard (Mt 21:40-41; Mk 12:9; Lk 20:15b-16a), to gather together His flock so that everyone could reach the New Jerusalem (Rev 21: 2) and savour the Tree of Life (Rev 2:7, 22:2.14). Those priests no longer holy, belonging to a house that has become a den of an unclean spirit, have looted the Father’s Vineyard, profaned His Grapes and wasted His Wine (Mt 21:34-39; Mk12 2-8; Lk 20:10-15A).
God’s Vineyard belongs to the Almighty Father! The Word and the Sacraments of God belong to the Almighty Father! And the Almighty Father gives the safekeeping and the administration of His Vineyard, of His Word and His Sacraments to those who are faithful to Him, faithful to Christ and to His Salvific Sacrifice (Mt 21:42-43); to those who have once again welcomed Christ and His Spirit, who has come down from Heaven to this Land of Love to gather together all the peoples under one Shepherd (Jn 10:16b).
Here it is that in the New Jerusalem, the Father’s Vineyard has returned to shine (Ap 21:9-11) and has found its authenticity again. The original and native grape varietal manifests its essence and its substance again, so that the grapes of the Father’s Vineyard may return to give the new Wine, which is produced in purity, in the Land of Love, so to be given to His faithful sons again (Mt 26:29; Mk 14:25).
This is the daily Mass of God’s sons, a living, continuous and throbbing Mass, that the world will never understand (Lk 14:27). Here is that, in the Mother Land given by the Father to His faithful sons, the workers of God’s Vineyard return to work with joy, with desire and with holiness, thanking the Father for the Call received, wholly giving themselves to all those who live in Christ, to all those who offer to Christ and win with Christ.
Here is the New Covenant (Heb 8:8-13) re‑established by the Father with the sons of the New Jerusalem, with the ministers of the Mother Church, One, Holy and Universal, that was born by the will of the Father to bring again every son and every man and woman of goodwill, to live Christ as the one only primary Good (1Cor 8:6), so that everyone may find themselves in Christ as brothers, as children of the one only-begotten (Jn 1:14; 3:16.18; 1Jn 4:9) Son of the One and Triune God: Christ.
The Tree of Life (Rev 22:2) that is in the New Jerusalem, despite having lost that dry branch, that house which once was but now no longer is, continues to grow, flourishing and holy, with Its living holy and nourishing roots, so that everyone may return to live in the Father’s Heart and may have Life (Jn 1:4; 6:40; 8:12) and may have it to the full (Jn 10:10), for all eternity.