To You Father,
the gratitude of Your sons
The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem is the Church born by the will of the Father to keep the Boat of Christendom on the way towards His Heart. The Ark of the New Covenant, unique and eternal, renewed through His Fatherly Love (Jer 31:33) who is Person in His only‑begotten Son (Jn 1:14), will continue to welcome all the sons and all the men and women of goodwill who want to put Christ and Christianity at the centre of their lives, wanting to live God as the only Supreme Good.
Two are the fundamental pillars on which the mission of this Church is founded and proceeds: the Family and the sacredness of Life, which are and will remain the centre of the life of the faithful of this Mother Church. This is why this Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, will continue to devote Herself with love to all those who wish to consecrate their lives to Christ and Mary, so to make everyone be part of a true family and their life be as one with Christ and Mary, in order to become similar to Them in every way (1Jn 3:2b).
Anyone who from creature has become “son” of God (1Jn 3:1) being baptized in the name of the one only Lord, of the one only Saviour of the world, Christ, the One and Triune God (Mt 29:19), has undertaken the Way which leads to Salvation. The hearts of the sons of God who are united in the sacred bond of marriage to become a small domestic Church, will continue to be a living part of the universal Church, to continue together the path that leads straight to the Father’s Heart. Anyone who, brother among the brothers, has consecrated his life to become spokesman, minister of God, will give himself even more so that all the limbs of the mystical Body of Christ (Rom 12:4-5) may fulfil their very call and bear fruit in plenty, by renewing their “yes” to the Father’s call.
This is the faith and the loyalty that this Church, Mother Church, will make known and loved to all those of good will. Christ is cohesion. Christ is Life. Christ is certainty. These are the main hinges to bring everyone on the one only Way, Christ, and to proclaim with one only voice the Lord of lords and the King of kings (Rev 19:16), who guides every brother to hold Him by the hand that leads to the Heart of Her who, by grace, purifies, sanctifies and accompanies to the Father’s Heart so to live eternal Life.
In this House, the Way is the right pathway and leads everyone in Truth, so that no one may ever lose hope and trust and everyone may rediscover that certainty that Christ Way, Truth and Life (Jn 14:6) has come to give with His Person. In the New Jerusalem, the Light of Christ descended from Heaven, shines to illuminate again the life of every man. In this Abode we celebrate the Light, Christmas, Christ who has come down from the Father’s Heart to raise everyone and cloth them with His Love, with the Light of the revealing Spirit that will lead all to live the complete Truth (Jn 16:13).
Another house, which has betrayed the call in good time received and entrusted to her by the Father, lives and will increasingly live dark moments. And all those who do not see and do not want to see, will experience the darkness (Jn 1:5) when the hour of the great trial arrives (Mt 24:21, see Rev 7:14). When even the last bulwark of faith in that house will fade, all that the Father has revealed is manifested and will be completely manifested. Many are the signs sent from Heaven to make everyone understand what was and what is happening. But this humanity has not wanted and does not want to understand what comes from the Father’s Heart.
All those who have welcomed, welcome and will welcome the Light of Christ (Jn 1:9) once again descended into this humanity to give Joy, Peace, Sincerity and Love to all His sons, will have nothing to fear but will be filled with the Spirit of Christ, who will lead them all to the complete Truth (Jn 16:13) to make everyone live as branches grafted into the one only Vine (Jn 15:5) that gives Life, Christ, the Tree of Life (Rev 22:14) that the Father has placed at the centre of His City (Rev 21:2), the New Jerusalem, the metaphysical Home of God among men (Rev 21:3).
«O New Jerusalem, Home of God among men, Holy and faithful City of the Father’s Love, accept our prayer to thank the Father for all He has given us in this time. And prepare us to welcome all those who will come to You, in order to give again, to the heart of this arid and lost humanity, the Light that is Christ, come down from Heaven to pierce the darkness that surrounds this world and to lead all Your sons and all those of good will to salvation, which is Christ, the One and Triune God, the only Way, the only Truth, the eternal Life. And so be it».
The Courtyard of the purity of faith shines and will shine more and more. The Heart of Mary, the Immaculate Conception, will make the hearts of Her sons shine, to lead everyone into the one sheepfold (Jn 10:14-16), in the only Grotto wanted by the Father, made new in the Son to renew It in the heart of the sons, who believe in the Lord, bow to the Lord and praise the Lord so to love, live and win in the heart of God the Father Almighty.