Divine Mercy and Christian authenticity
The Divine Mercy of Heaven must always be put in relation with Christian authenticity. For Christians, for all God’s sons, Mercy and authenticity are indissolubly united. Only in this way, the Christians, the sons of the Son of God (Jn 1:12), will be recognized and understood in their own nature and essence, but above all, in their final destination, which is Heaven (Rev 21:3). A Heaven renewed in the Love (Eph 1:10); a Heaven renewed in the Father’s name (Mt 28:19), sanctified by means of the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:26) who proceeds from the Father (Lk 11:13) and who, with His only‑begotten Son (Jn 1:14; 1Jn 4:9), manifests Himself making the present and future life of every son more harmonious.
Christians are called today to understand the divine nature of the Father’s Mercy which manifests Itself whenever each son sincerely asks the Father to be forgiven (Is 55:6-7), and to cleanse every stain from the depth of their heart (Ps 129), and to receive again the gift of the initial freshness of spirit.
Only when the paternal Divine Mercy meets the sincerity of heart of the sons who admitting their sins ask forgiveness (Ps 50:3), then the Divine Mercy works and heals, intervenes and cleanses, bends down over the strayed humanity and gives new Life, from Above, in the Spirit (Jn 3:7-8).
Divine Mercy, gift of the Father, is thus ready to be bestowed on the son whenever there is a sincere and spontaneous request for help and forgiveness addressed to the Father (Lk 15:18-19).
Once cleansed, the sons are renewed inside (Gal 6:15-16), have new splendour (Bar 5,1), new enthusiasm, are able to move forward, with their heads held high, manifesting the grace received.
Thus, after the initial phase, the next begins: transmitting the grace received from the Father, in the authenticity of our faith in Christ the Lord (1Tim 1:16). As the Father gives His mercy by grace, so we are to give the grace even more without charge (Mt 10:8b) so our brothers may acknowledge it as a gift from the Father (Ps 117:4; 135:2), so that many others may return to God with a sincere heart, asking forgiveness (Acts 2:38), to experience Christian authenticity and then in turn transmit it to everyone.
This is the brotherhood and the sharing which characterize the Christian essence (Acts 1:14), that is alive in the City “Centre of the infinite Mercy of God”, the “White Island” where the purity of faith is preserved. Here is the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2) and the two colours that distinguish it, white and yellow, the colours of purity, holiness and the Divine Mercy, in an intertwining of pure and holy Love, which gives to the heart, to the soul and to the spirit, the sense of the live freedom, in the One and Triune God (Rom 8:19-21).
This is the essence of this House, of this Church, Christian and Universal (Mk 16:15-18), compared to other houses where mercy has been sold off, where the Divine Mercy has been replaced by a human and insignificant mercy.