The awareness of God’s sons
who want to take part in
the Wedding banquet of Heaven with humanity
On that holy day, the Maiden of God, the fragrant Flower of the Father, the Bride betrothed to the Father, was ready for Her “yes”: the “yes” of a pure, holy and unconditional love, to marry the Father’s will.
On May 15, 1974, She who was called to marry the Father’s will for eternity, was ready. Here is the Bride. Here is the Father’s fragrant flower. Here is that “yes” that blossomed from Her heart allowing so many other hearts to continue to draw nourishment from Her sap, just as She did, feeding on the Heart of Jesus and on the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who manifested Herself, on that day, to Her for the first time, from heart to heart, in the holy union of the hearts that have known how to love Jesus with the same love, as Jesus Himself said on October 30, 1994: «She loved me as My Mother loved me».
In this dwelling place chosen by the Father (Rev 21:3), the Father has established His total presence to summon all those who would have wanted to keep alive their faith in the One and Triune God, the true, authentic and holy faith lived in the name of the Son of God (2Pt 1:1-2). Over time and betimes, in this Land of Love, the Maiden of God, faithful Bride of the Father’s will, has taken care, takes care and continues to take care of every heart longing for love, longing for the breath of God and confident of His living presence (Ps 55:14).
Today even more, the sons of this Mother Church are ready to manifest to even more belong to this Land, to this House, to the Dwelling of God, even going against all what is world (Jas 4:4; 1 Jn 2:15-17; 1Jn 5:5.19) in order to respect the holy will of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:14).
Here are God’s sons, ready and aware, who live to be saints (Rev 13:10), in the awareness of all what we are living, we live and that even more we will live.
Those who have betimes placed their trust in the hands of Mary, She who by the Father’s will has become the Tabernacle of His Love (Lk 1:49) who is Person in the Son (Jn 1:14), have remained, remain and will remain standing, in these hard and difficult times. These are the times that the God’s chosen people have awaited and await with living awareness, to proclaim and renew their “yes” (cf. Lk 1:38) to the call received, so to make the omnipotence of the Father shine even more (Ps 146:5); and to make the only covenant of the Father shine again, the new and eternal covenant renewed in His Love, which is Christ and Mary (Jer 31:31-34).
The 15th of May is the living day of Heaven’s wedding with humanity, that has received a new possibility of salvation from the Father, thanks to this Maiden. The appeals of Heaven have remained unheard. The appeals of the Mother of God, pilgrim on this Earth, have remained unheard. The Justice of the Father should have already struck on this arid and lost humanity. But the infinite Mercy of the Father has prevailed again, thanks to the living intercession of Mary. And thanks to that “yes”, unconditionally proclaimed, the Father has been able to intervene again, to bring His Plan of Love and Redemption to completion.
Thanks to the prayers of God’s Maiden and of all those who have come to the New Jerusalem, the Father’s love has been able to cross again many borders and many obstacles, and to restore order and balance in many hearts, to place, again to the centre, God and His law (Jer 32:38-40), which in Mary, the Masterpiece of the Father, in the Land of Love finds fulfilment.
This is the pure and fragrant flower jealously guarded by the Father (Sol 2:2). And this flower has transmitted and continues to transmit all its fragrance: that holy fragrance that allows to distinguish the true, authentic and holy Christians (Hos 14:6-10), from the others, those who for personal gain, for a moment of human popularity, have sold and sell-off the greatest Good: the Love of the Father, His living closeness, that in the Son is Person (1Jn 4:9-10).
Here are the survivors of the great war (Rev 16:14.16), those who spiritually fight the good fight (1Tm 6,12), so to preserve the authentic faith in the true God (2Tm 4:7), descended from Heaven to this Land of love to dwell in the pure and holy heart of a Maiden who married the will of the Father who has established His Home in the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2).