The Font of the water of Life


Jesus is Father, is Son and is Holy Spirit, who has descended to the Land of Love to strengthen the hearts of all God’s sons and to infuse in the depths of their heart, His water that quenches thirst, purifies and makes reborn to new life, the life that in the New Jerusalem (Rev 3:12) will give a true and holy authenticity to the whole world of good will: the authenticity desired by the Father and given through His Son to those who yearn for it.  

This is the importance of prayer already mentioned: the persevering prayer (Ps 65:19), the Christian prayer made of example and holiness (1Tim 4:12). A living prayer sincerely addressed to the Father, ensures that, through the Son, the Holy Spirit may flood the hearts with His living and gushing water that regenerates the heart, refreshes the soul and makes the spirit fly high.

Whenever a branch remains grafted onto the vine (Jn 15:4) it receives this beneficial action: that lifeblood that allows to be healthy, holy and ready, united with the Father, grafted in the Son so to continue to transmit the Light (2Cor 4:6) and the true Spirit so to quench the thirst of those who in the Spirit seek the Truth (Jn 14:17).

This is the incessant research that will increasingly characterize the sons of God: the continuous search for the living water (Jn 4:10), which is Spirit and is Holy (Jn 7:39), and which teaches them to follow the right path and to practice the Father’s will.

The vital lymph that proceeds from the Father and the Son no longer flows in many people (Jer 17:13). Many have chosen to quench their thirst from another well no longer overflowing with the water of the Holy Spirit who gives Life (Jn 4:14) but now filled with a putrid water that poisons the body, dulls the soul and deadens the spirit, hence annihilating it, because another spirit, which is not holy, penetrates the depths of the heart and brings to death.

The spiritual dryness has affected a large part of humanity and has totally devastated many who were supposed to remain at God’s service but who are now serving God’s enemy (Mt 21:33-39): some for explicit own will; some for human and personal gain. These latters, for no longer considering themselves fit to live in the world and not wanting to lose the privileges coming from the world, have thus preferred and prefer to desist from fighting the good fight of faith (1Tm 6:12), completely siding with the plan of de‑Christianization of the world that so many want to bring to fruition, therefore betraying the only doctrine that saves, which is Christ.

Jesus came into the world to bring humanity back to breathe and to take oxygen from His Spirit (Jn 4:24), by giving His Life to the world (Jn 15,13; Rm 6,4), so that that arid and lost humanity could start over again and be reborn from Above (Jn 3:3), giving to them all one only Commandment (Mt 22:37-40) which is steeped in the Father’s Commandments: Love. Jesus (Lk 1:31), Love made Flesh, has desired everyone to live the true Love (Eph 3:19), so that every bond and every interaction could make shine the true brotherhood (1Jn 3:16), rooted in His Heart and entrusted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary who purifies all those who prostrate themselves before Her with devotion so to receive Christ Love.  

The great Love of Christ should have spiritually conquered the world (1 Jn 4: 9) to ensure that every bond could be carried forward by listening to the voice of Heaven. This has been the commitment and the sacrifice lavished by the Friends, by the Brothers of Jesus, who have worked from two thousand years onwards to make everyone live in the one only Body, which is Church (Col 1:24), the one only Spirit (1 Cor 12:11) who is Father, is Son and is Holy Spirit. 

However, in these recent times everything has been lost. For this reason the Father has re‑modulated His action and has once again given Life in this Land of Love, so that everything could and can be regenerated (Tit 3:5); and so that, in this Font overflowing with the Holy Spirit, all those who are animated by good will and all those who are in search of the Truth could and can sip the water of the Source of Life (Jn 7:37-38; Rev 21:6), which gushes from the Father’s Heart, which is fulfilled in Mary Mother Church New Jerusalem (Rev 22:1), so to give new life and vigour to the few remnant people of Israel (Jer 31:7) who would have continued, continue and will continue to evangelize the world to bring knowledge of the only doctrine that saves, which is the Vine (Jn 15:1), which is Christ (Jn 11:27), who is Man (Jn 1:14), One and Triune (Jn 14:6).