The name of Mary and the Cross of Christ,
the way that leads to salvation
Mary is. And the sons of Christ honour Her who is Mother, solemnly celebrating Her Holy Name (Lk 1:27b). Mary is the gate of Heaven, the morning Star that leads to Christ that is the One who saves (Lk 2:11), He who through the Mystery of the Cross (1Cor 1:18; 1Pt 2:24) gives salvation to His sons.
The Most Holy Name of Mary (Lk 1:48b) and the Cross of Christ (Gal 6:14). These are the signs of true Christianity, the signs of those who want to enter into the depths of Christianity in order to understand it inwardly and to love it with all their might so to manifest it to the whole world. A Christianity that is new, simple but holy (Mt 5:3), that wants to lead everyone to rediscover the originality of the Father’s thought (Jn 1:1).
In this living and holy thought, there is the Father’s love for all He has created (Gn 1:1‑25) and above all, for His sons (Gn 1:26-27), whom He has loved, loved and loved again (Gen 1:28‑31). And in this thought, there is the Father’s living will to lead His sons to salvation (Lk 9:35), by always giving His only Son to lead everyone to eternal life (Jn 3:16).
In this thought, was God’s living Plan for Mary, Mary, Mary (Lk 1:49), She who completely humbled Herself (Lk 1:48a) so to live in the Father’s Heart and to make the Holy Trinity live in Her Heart.
Here is the closeness of the great feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary, the Name that saves, with the Solemn Feast of the Cross, the Cross that saves: a unique intense sacrifice of Love (Lk 2:34-35; Jn 19:25) to fight the world, to crush sin (Gn 3:15, 1Pt 2:24) and to allow eternity to live, distributing the one only redeeming Spirit (1Cor 12:11) in the world, the One who gives new life (Jn 3:3) and immerses all those who adore the Truth (Jn 4: 23-24), and all seekers of the Truth (Jn 8:32), in the living essence that is God, the One who saves.
Here is the living and holy Mystery of the communion and the union between Mother and Son (Lk 1:31), in a unique and intense action, that is to be lived in order to understand, practice and live the Mystery of salvation (Rev 7:10), which is completely fulfilled in this Land of love.
Alive is and always will be the closeness of Jesus with His sons, His Church, and the few remaining people of Israel (Is 10:20-23), so to let many experience the new fragrance of this Christianity, which places “the” Master and “The” Mother at the centre, in order to more and more have knowledge of the Father, who at the same time is Son and who, in the action of the Holy Spirit, wants to bring all His sons even closer to a living and total understanding of salvation, so making that Heaven is no longer so far away; in such a way that every son, arriving in the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), may feel the closeness of the Immanuel, God-with-us (Rev 21:3), and so understand more and more the metaphysical reality of God who unites all those who want to be united and grafted onto the Tree of Life (Rev 22:14), which is Christ.
In the New Jerusalem, God wants to reveal Himself. This is the difference of the universal Christianity renewed in the one only Love, the Love that many have lost: the Love of Mary and the Love of Christ (Eph 3:19), one and intense Love (1 Jn 4:16), the Love that saves.
Salvation (Is 12:2; 25:9; Lk 3:6; Rev 7:10; 12:10; 19:1) is the main theme of the life of every Christian who wants to more and more resemble the Creator. In order to attain this, it is necessary to strive even more, with heart and will, to practice righteousness and to remain docile to the action of the Spirit (Jas 1:21) and to the voice of the Father (Jn 5:37). These are the essential virtues in order to be reborn inwardly and to receive all what the Father has promised.
In the world, many have lost the Way. Many have wanted to lose the Way. And many want to make the sons of Christ and other creatures lose the right Way, giving them theories and thoughts that are different from the Father’s original thought. Only one is the Way, and this is Christ. This is the only Way that saves (Jn 14:6). Other paths lead to other shores, other beaches (Rev 12:18) which are far away from the Father’s Heart, the final goal (Phil 3:14; 1Pt 1,9) and finishing-point for all those who have known how to keep faith, the true faith, alive.
The more there is disorder in the world and in people’s hearts, the more they move away from the right Way and from the originality of the Father’s thought. Disorder (1Cor 14:33; Jas 3:16) leads to the lack of love and leads to live sin more and more, in every facet.
Continence, loyalty and docility enrich the heart and give that royalty that Christ, the one only Way, gives us freely. This is the clear and substantial difference distinguishing those who have remained anchored to the true faith (Gal 2:20; 5:6) compared to those who have allowed themselves to be dazzled by other lights and other songs, no longer feeding by the one and true Food and quenching their thirst by the one only Drink (Jn 6:55), but having wanted to taste other foods and drinks contaminated by vices, allowing sin to overflow in the world and lead God’s sons to an unruly life that is above all far from God. This is the will of many to subjugate and control people’s hearts.
Mary, the Star of the journey (Mt 2:10), will increasingly illuminate the Way of all the sons who want to seek and find the Son (Mt 2:9b). And many will find Him (Mt 2:11), in the Land of Love that the Father has given to His sons. And then, there will no longer be that living and holy Cross of pain but the Cross that enlightens the world and that gives royalty, bringing to understand the one and holy victory which is fulfilled in the Father, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit.