Christ is Love.
Where there is charity and love,
there is his Church
Christ has come down to the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), the Land of Love blessed by the Father, to give his Love to all his sons, that Love which is holy and is Person (Jn 1:14).
Christ has come down to the New Jerusalem, the Land of Love blessed by the Father, to give his righteousness (Ps 10:7; 139:14) and his holiness to all his sons.
Christ has come down to the New Jerusalem, the Land of Love blessed by the Father, to invite all his sons to renew and fully live his Church, made up of living and holy hearts ready to welcome and listen to the Father’s will (Mt 6:10; Lk 22:42).
Christ has come down to the New Jerusalem, the Land of Love blessed by the Father, to invite all his sons in being upright (Ex 18:21), righteous and coherent.
Christ has come down to the New Jerusalem, the Land of Love blessed by the Father, to invite all his sons to be holy (Lev 11:44-45; 19:2), so to manifest the holiness and candour (Sir 43:18; Is 1:18) of his Church.
Christ has come down to the New Jerusalem, the Land of Love blessed by the Father, to invite all his sons in being alive (Lk 20:38), so to manifest and effuse his Spirit of Love and holiness: a living Spirit who wants to warm all hearts and to infuse and effuse his seal in them, the seal of the living God (Jn 6:27).
Christ has come down to the New Jerusalem, the Land of Love blessed by the Father, to invite all his sons in being obedient (1Pt 1:14; 2Cor 2:9), so to be always in line with the thought of God, who manifests Himself in the Mother Church to restore order and holiness.
Christ has come down to the New Jerusalem, the Land of Love blessed by the Father, to invite all his sons in being pure (Mt 5:8) and loyal (Prv 8:4-13), sincere and truthful, to manifest to the world the consistency and the righteousness of the Mother Church, a living, holy, light and fresh Church (Mt 10:42): fresh in the Love of God, fresh in his teachings which are alive and timeless.
Christ has come down to the New Jerusalem, the Land of Love blessed by the Father, to invite all his sons to place Love (Jn 13:35) and charity (1Cor 13) at the centre of their lives, so that every sacrifice may not be vain but to ensure that charity (Rom 12:9; 1Cor 16:14) may be the foundation of every action and work: that charity (Eph 1:4) which supports and conquers everything, with love, in peace, in joy, with full sincerity, so that God’s Truth may triumph in all hearts and in the world (Eph 4:15), to change the laws of this world that grip the hearts and lead away from God’s spirit.
Because of this, the Mother Church, Church of Christ, is called to manifest Herself through the spirit of service that is lived among brothers and sisters (Gal 5:13), so that peace may be the centre of the life of every man and woman (Ps 115:7); of every family (Sir 26:2; 41:14; 46:6), the domestic church; and of the universal church (Is 9:5-6); thus to become the centre for the entire world, so that peace may be stable and truthful, alive and holy (Ps 84:11); and so that harmony among peoples may lead every man and woman of good will to live the new world the Father has once again come to give (Sir 25:1).
The sons of the Mother Church, love life: the life given for love (Jn 10:10); the life given to instil confidence in all hearts; the life as a sign and tangible gift of the Father (Jn 15:4-5). By loving life it will be possible to live, love and proclaim the Truth, which makes man free and holy (Jn 8:32); that Truth that binds the hearts to the Father’s Heart (Jn 15:9), which is alive in the Mother Church, beats, infuses and effuses paternity, that paternity that the world has changed, thwarted and estranged, in its will to become orphan of the only Father who gives life, thus preferring to embrace an illusory freedom that in reality enslaves even more making everyone helpless and submissive to the new humanism that has once again rejected the Man‑God (Acts 4:11).
The Church of Christ, timeless and eternal, is and must be the sign of the only true freedom that is fulfilled in the will of God, the One and Triune God (Mt 28:19) who, descending again from Heaven (Is 60:19- 20), for Love, only and only for Love (Jn 17:26), has bent down on this arid and lost humanity, giving that Love (Jn 15:13;) which is close, alive and present (1Jn 1,1) which helps everyone to understand the true meaning of loving our neighbour in order to love God, God, God (Mt 22:37-40), One and Triune.