God leads his sons into temptation
to make them stronger
and make them win


Christ the Lord is God, One and Triune: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And in His being One and Triune God, the Lord induces, leads and accompanies His sons and brothers (Mt 4:1) in overcoming every trial, in overcoming everything, in overcoming every temptation and to then be born again, so that in their being sons and clothed with the victory of God over the world, they may win again (Rev 6:2) against all that the world daily offers and peddles to entice all the hearts.

Christ the Lord is the Tree of Life (Rev 2:7; 22:2.14.19). He is the knowledge and wisdom that infuses love, peace, holiness and obedience into the heart of every son, bringing their hearts to be pure and holy, charitable and truthful.

These are the weapons to overcome one’s own “self” and thus to ward-off (Mt 4:10) every temptation offered daily by the tempter to every man and woman. Only those who remain upright and steadfast in faith (Acts 14:22) can overcome the one who tempts. Only those who manage to keep an unimpeachable will in offering and suffering in order to win, refusing whatever kind of compromise or pact with the enemy of God, will be able to remain upright and to not fall, becoming thus a tool in the hands of God and an example for those who have yet to grow in faith and strengthen in spirit and heart.

Two are the essential weapons to overcome every temptation: prayer and fraternal union. In prayer we are in communion with God (Ps 65:19). In the brotherhood (Acts 2:42) every request for help becomes an additional weapon in raising barricades against the enemy of God. Unity is strength; and starting from the human strength we reach holiness which must reign in the heart of every son of God and of every man and woman of good will and of good intentions: that of not falling into temptation; that of recognizing in Jesus the Truth (Jn 8:32); and that of wanting to embrace the Truth as many children embrace the Master (Mt 19:14), to be instructed and to humanly and divinely grow, thus becoming ready and holy. By doing so, we will be able to look to the world from a different perspective, wanting every day to become more and more holy: true men and true Christians.

In order to overcome temptation, with prayer and fraternal union, it’s necessary to resort to the utmost commitment (Sir 11:20; 2Pt 1:5) and will (Jn 4:34). At times one may fall, other times one remains steadfast. However, in the moment of a fall, one must remove every despondency from the heart with all the utmost strength because it is in that exact moment that God’s enemy attempts all he can to definitively crush who has fallen. In  that very moment, the sons of God are called to have the same sentiments that were and are of Jesus (Phil 2:5): love, peace, brotherhood, obedience and holiness, so that those who have fallen may readily rise again (Ps 145:8), raising their eyes to Heaven and asking for Jesus’ forgiveness and help, so to become stronger and stronger, to not fall again into temptation but to be able to drive away with more vigour all future trials.

In this way, trial after trial, each son will win every battle and then the war, that war that the enemy of God fights daily against those who belong to God. Knowing the weaknesses of man, the tempter proposes every adulation in order to tempt, to seize man and to suffocate him. It is in those very moments that one must invoke Jesus with constancy and perseverance (Ps 144:14), He who is oxygen for the soul of man, He who is the right shelter where hearts find comfort and refreshment.

This is also the incessant and maternal intercession of Mary, the eternal Maiden (Lk 1:27b) and the universal Mother (Lk 1:31), She who daily carries out Her action with maternal care on every son who needs heat and warmth, to ward-off the cold and frost of the tempter, who would want to envelop all souls making them insensitive to the warmth of the Holy Spirit. Mary, the temple of the Holy Spirit (Is 7:14), with Her maternal action brings every soul to be limpid at the presence of God, warming it with Her love and candour.

That candour and that warmth that is in the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus, where the Spirit of Mary is alive and the flame of the Father’s Love is always lit (Ex 3:2; Is 10:17).

Those who wish to flee from the cold of the world and be warmed, restored and find relief (2Ts 1:7) and refuge in the warmth of God, are to come to the New Jerusalem, where God gives heat and warmth and welcomes everyone with love. And in the very moment in which, before the living Tabernacle (Rev 21:23), they truly abandon themselves to His will of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, their hearts will triumph finding themselves strengthened and holy (1Pt 1:16).