The grace to live the New Jerusalem
God’s people are walking on their path to ever more live the Kingdom to the fullness (Is 9:6; Mt 6:10; 7:21) and to reach the final destination of the Christian journey (Jn 3,16; 5,24), which for many is grace right from now (1Cor 1:4).
The grace is alive (Jn 1:14) for those who are already living the New Jerusalem. And the grace floods and will increasingly flood all the hearts that have remained faithful to the Mystery of the Child God (Ps 114: 1), that holy Mystery revealed by the Father to the heart of Maria Giuseppina Norcia, the Handmaid called by God in these last times to disclose and to give the Mystery of the Child God (Acts 1:11) to all men and women who would have flocked to the Land blessed by the Father (Ezk 3:12) to praise, love and live the One and Triune God (Gal 4:6), who has come down as a Child to be welcomed, loved and lived again.
Grace is and will be the holy reward for all those who, having kept alive their faith in the Child God (Wis 4:15), have acted, loved and fought to live and to allow others to live the Father’s will (Mt 12:50), who has manifested Himself, is manifested and will manifest Himself more and more in this Land of Love (Jer 31:2).
Grace is alive and plentiful for every son (Ps 30:22) who has ardently desired and desires to follow the Way, to love the Truth and to praise Life (Jn 14:6).
Grace is alive (Ps 35:6) and will ever more fill the hearts; it will fill the spirit and will give solace to the soul of those who want to repose in the Land of Love (Ps 22: 6; Wis 3:9) so to live that pure oxygen that daily purifies, sanctifies and vivifies through its beneficial and holy action. This is the action of the Holy Spirit who is Love and is alive in the Land blessed by the Father (Jn 14: 16.26) and gives everyone His living holy temperament, His lively passion and His living Love (Ps 102:8; 116:2; Jn 15:9) as Father, as Son and as Holy Spirit (Mt 28:19).
This is the grace of all God’s sons (Ps 35:8). This is the holy beatitude that is lived and experienced in the everyday life (Is 2:3) in the New Jerusalem, extraordinary for many but ordinary for the faithful sons of God (Jn 4:23). This means living the Spirit of the Immanuel, God-with-us (Jn 14:17; Rev 21:3), who loves, walks and lives allowing everyone to live in holy and heavenly harmony.
For many, this grace will also be justice (Ps 35:11; 88:15), that paternal justice that gives thanks to the sons of God: justice, the merciful justice (Prv 21:21) that the world does not understand but that will soon have to understand more and more (Wis 9:5). Time passes and at every step of time, the implementation of the living and holy justice is being accomplished (Bar 5:9).
The New Jerusalem is the Mother Land, the Mother Church (Rev 21:2.10), the Church of salvation (Is 12:3; 51:4-8), where the sons of the One and Triune God dwell: those who live to attain salvation (Is 25:9; Rev 12:10), that salvation which gives Life (Ps 26:1; Is 52:7; Acts 4:12; Heb 9:28; Rev 7:10), the only and eternal Life (Jn 6:68; 1Jn 5:20), in Christ (Jn 17.3) and in Mary (Lk 1:28.49).