The power of prayer
Jesus is the only Master, the only Saviour of the world who has once again descended, into the Land of Love to fulfil the Father’s will. In the New Jerusalem there is the Font Source overflown with the Spirit of the Father who, now as then, continues to fish souls and save them, to carry forward and bring to completion the work entrusted to the Church of Christ (Mt 16:16).
To be able to draw even more souls, the right hook is needed, which is that of prayer and fraternal union (Phil 1:19): words of life and holiness, words that are against the current of all that the world says and lives (Jn 7:7).
Even more nowadays there is a clear and total contrast between the Words of Jesus and the words of the world (Jn 8:26); between the Work of Jesus and the work of the world (Jn 9:39). In the Work of Jesus there is the total entrustment to the Father who sees everything, knows everything and makes everything available for His sons in the same measure in which there is and will be a filial abandonment to the Father’s will (Jn 12:46), in contraposition to a world that no longer has trust, nor future nor awareness in God but only and exclusively the trust in a new humanism that places man and his ineptitude at the centre again, discarding the Man God Jesus and His teachings and His Love (Jn 15:18).
In this way, while the world evermore experiences and falls into the abyss, the Light in the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus advances more and more and will fill the hearts, will awaken consciences and will bring hearts, many hearts, to fully draw the water from of the Source of life (Rev 21:6). Here is the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2) Font Source of the Holy Spirit, the new sea of God where the new fishes can swim and feed, freely and joyfully.
This is the will of the Father, who can do everything and does everything through the prayer of His Son (Jn 11:41). Every son must be grateful to the Father so that the Father may in turn fill that son with His infinite grace. Here is the living and unceasing prayer made with a sincere heart and a generous soul, so that those spoken words may not be empty words but words full of trust and abandonment to the Father’s thought (Mt 7:21), just as the Maiden of God taught us: “Father, do with me as You please”. This prayer is the synthesis of her life and represents what every son must ask the Father, in order to gain the right predisposition of heart, soul and will (Jn 6:40), and hence be able to put into practice, embody and sanctify the Father’s will, with their example, in reality, in their everyday life; so that anyone who sees them, may receive the holy example that the Father desires; so that many more hearts may be approached and fascinated by the simplicity that a good Christian must know how to put into practice.
This is the difference between those who put prayer into practice in their daily lives compared to those who pray with empty words (Mt 6:7) trying to draw the Father’s attention (Mt 6:5), almost forcing the Father to take action, to do and to intervene, not according to His holy will but according to their human will.
The prayer “Our Father” (Mt 6:9-13) is the focal point of the life of every Christian; it’s “the” living and holy prayer that, in these hard and difficult times, shows even more to all Christians the guideline to follow and to continue to practice, so that the only Father who manifests Himself in the only Master and in the only begotten Spirit, may fully manifest Himself as the only Creator and Saviour (Tit 2:13).
Jesus gave the prayer “Our Father” to the Apostles so that those first brothers could help over time others to understand the words that the Holy Spirit had laid down at that moment: simple, profound and holy words, whose primary meaning is that of asking the Father with a sincere heart, His living watchfulness and His living closeness: so that the hearts of the sons could be open to the Father’s will and incarnate it in the concreteness of a holy, upright and consistent life; so that the Father’s will could be known and manifested; and so that the sons could be in the right condition to love their neighbour and to love the Father in their neighbour (Mt 22:37), to love their neighbours as themselves (Mt 22:39), forgiving them in order to find forgiveness, and limiting themselves to leave the judgment of forgiveness to the Father in the awareness that, in the face of the denial of His Work and the denial of the Holy Spirit, the Father does not forgive (Mt 12:31-32). Consequently, the will of every Christian must be to serve the will of the Father so to be able to put it into practice every day in the right and holy wisdom.