The Cross that conquers the world
and gives Life
Christ is the Light. Whoever believes in Christ, even if he dies, will live (Jn 11:25). This Jesus said to all who saw Him, heard Him. But very few loved Him (Jn 1:11). Those few gave their lives to receive the gift of eternity: sons of Truth, sons of Light (Jn 1:12). And they gave light to those who lived in darkness, to those whom the world had swallowed, engulfed. And they were reborn. They gave wisdom to many hearts that were bound, full of knots. The Light of Christ untangled the knots, freed them from their chains and made them victorious by becoming sons of God, in the Sign that overcomes all iniquity, overcomes all snares and overcomes death.
The Cross, that initially was a sign of torture for every man and woman wanting to believe in the Son of God, is “the” Sign for every Christian (Lk 14:27) and will be the Sign of victory and eternal life.
In the New Jerusalem there is “the” Sign (Is 9:5) that the Father has sent again (Col 1:20), so that the Cross of Light, true Light, Cross of Resurrection, may give the whole world the new nourishment that gives new Life, to drive away what is old and to open the heart to what is new (Mk 2:21-22), even newer in the Spirit and in Love (Jn 6:63): that Love manifested but unrequited, that Love that became Man (Jn 1:14) giving Himself to everyone but receiving little in exchange, that Love that multiplied, dividing Himself, to feed (Mt 15:33) every heart yearning to be filled with the Love of God, the only and eternal Love.
This is what will never pass away (Mt 5:18). In the Land of Love given by the Father to His sons, Jesus found the Love of Mary (Lk 1:38) that filled all what was missing (Lk 1:49). And the Father’s Will has made it possible that from this inexhaustible Source of His Love, all those hearts that would arrive here could once again be decontaminated, so that each heart could in turn share that Love, in order to fill, drop by drop, the ways of the world with the true and authentic Love.
Once again, Love (1Jn 1:1-3) completes the law, enriches the law. Not as intended by foolish and selfish men that say: “Love stifles the law; Love limits the law”. Christ the Love raises the law, so that it may be truly respected and put into practice (Rm 13:10), for the common good and for the supreme good which is God Almighty (Mk 12:29-31). Jesus says: “My Work and my Person are above everything and everyone, because this the Father has decided”. This is what Jesus revealed to His Maiden, Maria Giuseppina Norcia. And this is the will of the Father, who sent His Son to raise Him up (Jn 8:28), so that all those who believe, love and hope in Him could be relieved (Mt 23:1) from the heavy yoke of the law of man (Eph 2:15), which once again binds the hearts, crushes and doesn’t allow to breathe.
The New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), Land of Love, frees God’s sons from all forms of slavery. Jesus has preserved it for Himself and His sons. No one has authority here, except Jesus whom the Father has sent, conferring His authority and His authoritativeness upon Him. With Love and merciful Justice, Christ will rule all peoples (Rev 12:5) making them be one people with one only Shepherd (Jn 10:16), in the Sign of the Cross which overcomes the world and gives Life, true Life (Jn 14: 6) and by means of goodness and brotherhood, will allow those who want to be free in the world and to be grafted onto the Love of Christ, to live the Father’s Kingdom: that Kingdom given by the Father to the Son (Is 9:6) so that the Holy Spirit could be alive in all (Rom 14:17).
From the Holy Mountain (Jn 4:21), from the Land of Love, the living Tabernacle, the Oasis of peace and holiness, Jesus has condemned the world and its miseries – because the world has enslaved its children – condemning thus all flattery, every form of slavery and sin, all those who commit adultery and all those who have betrayed Christ and His Life (Mk 14:21).
Jesus, as Son of the living God, as King, Priest and Prophet, from the Land of Love has condemned and condemns all those who have blasphemed the Holy Spirit (Mt 12:32), making use of the name of God to crush the little ones and to use and abuse their hearts (Mt 23:33).
The Spirit of Christ descended and settled in the New Jerusalem to remain there forever (Rev 15:3-5), declaring His Law and condemning, in His merciful Love, every single traitor who, in the Heart of Mary, will be judged according to His merciful Justice.
The House of God will increasingly manifest its Light which, in the Sign of the Cross (Gal 6:14) that illuminates the world, completes the itinerary that will lead God’s sons to live the Kingdom of Peace and Love, the Sign of His Redemption and of all those who in Jesus believe, in Jesus live and in Jesus hope.
The Spirit of Christ (Jn 16:13) imprints in the hearts His Seal of Master and Friend, the Seal of the living God, who leads and will lead His sons to victory (Eph 1:13). And the Light will furrow the world, dispelling the certainties that the world has built itself, so that they may crumble before the one and only true certainty, which is Christ the Lord, the bulwark of faith, the Sign of the Father, the victory of the true Christians who have chosen to become little and the last in this world to be raised up by the grace of God (Lk 1:52), those Christians who have defended at the cost of their lives the one true faith, keeping authenticity alive and keeping even more alive the loyalty to Christ the Lord, that in the New Jerusalem, the Corner of Heaven on Earth (Gen 28:12), shines and will shine ever more brightly.
There is no Life without the Cross (1Pt 2:24). And whoever lets themself be lifted-up on the Cross like the Son (Jn 3:14) who gives Life, is reborn to new Life (Jn 3:7), resurrects to live already from now in the only Love that saves: Christ (Ps 105:4). We are nothing without the Love of Jesus (Rm 8:35-39; 2Cor 5:14-17). It is worth nothing claiming to know and understand the things of this world when we do not know Love, the Love made flesh, the Love made Man, who has returned to the Land of Love (Acts 1:11), is alive, so that all may have new life and have it in plenty (Jn 10:10), for eternity.
The sons of God are to remain united to Mary, at the foot of the Cross (Jn 19:25): united in Her spirit as Mother, Queen and Bride, She who accompanied, accompanies and will accompany the sons of God every day (Jn 19 , 26-27), so that the hour will be dark for the world (Ps 34:1-6) and it will be day, for the sons of God (Zec 14:7).