The new Wine has descended
to celebrate with His sons
This is the time of the manifestation of the Son of Man. The Child Jesus has descended, has returned to His Little Cradle to re‑found the Church of Christ and to bring it now to triumph. Here is the Spirit of Truth, announced and awaited (Jn 16:13), who has entered into the pure and holy Heart of a Maiden, who then transmitted Him to all Her spiritual sons who with faith populate and rush to the New Jerusalem, the Place where the Son has made His dwelling (Rev 21:3). A metaphysical dwelling that welcomes and will welcome all those who yearn to walk the Way, remaining anchored to the one Truth that saves so to deserve to receive Eternal Life (Jn 14:6).
Here is that from the New Jerusalem, humanity will be purified and re‑founded. The sons of God and all those animated by goodwill, will cherish all that the Father has created, loving God above all things and not loving things above God (Mt 22:38).
Humanity has once again allowed itself to be enslaved by a common thought (Rom 6:20) that rejects the Thought of the true and incarnate God; rejects the living action of the Divine Spirit; and refuses all that is Spirit (Mt 12:31) to pursue all that is tangible and material.
Humanity has fallen victim to the apostasy of a house (2Ts 2:3) that once was but now, abandoned by the Divine Spirit, no longer is; that no longer bears the Light of Christ but an empty humanism that has once again discarded the Man God, Christ, the Cornerstone (Ps 117:22; Mk 12:10; Acts 4:11), to make room for a human idea, a philosophy of religion that seeks to unite every belief in the name of a ‘god’ that is not God (2 Sam 7:22).
Many are those who are bewitched by such a message (Gal 3:1), which may seem humanly good, but which drives all away from the original Thought of the Father. God the Father Almighty manifests His Wisdom and divine Presence only and only in the incarnate Son (Jn 1:14), in His teachings and in His sound and holy Doctrine. Anyone who wants to be saved is to come to Jesus, the One who alone gives Life (Jn 3:36).
“Come to me, all you who are weary and overburdened in heart, soul and spirit: and I will restore you, giving you my drink and my substance” (Mt 11:28).
Here is the action of the Father and the Holy Spirit who are manifested in the Son (Jn 10:30), to give everyone the opportunity to come and see; and to live that awaited and promised Kingdom that in the New Jerusalem already is (Rev 21:2).
Instead of moving forward, the world will go further and further backwards. Nothing has been learned from the past history. The sons of God will gather in the Promised Land where milk and honey flow, in the Land of Love where they will feed on the true food and will drink of the true substance (Jn 6:27), to fulfil the words of Jesus, who at that time said that He would not have drunk the fruit of the vine until the day when He will drink the new wine again in the new Kingdom (Mk 14:25) with His faithful sons, those who have kept the faith in the time of His return (Lk 18:8b).
In the New Jerusalem every prophecy is being fulfilled. In the New Jerusalem the things of the past have gone (Rev 21:4), allowing everyone to live the Kingdom of God. In the New Jerusalem the new Wine has come down to celebrate with all God’s sons (Jn 2:3-5.7-8.11; 19:34).