Where is the King?
“Where is the newborn king? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage” (Mt 2:2).
The King is here. The King has come down, is born, in the Little Cradle of the Child Jesus, to give Life to all (Jn 17:3).
In the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus there is a Child’s Heart that beats to satiate all peoples with His Holiness and His kingship.
Here is the Light of the Son of God (Jn 1:9) who, on the Holy Day of the Feast of His Manifestation, will even more manifest His Love and Presence (Jn 1:18).
The Child Jesus came down to the Little Cradle to allow us to be reborn in His Spirit which is Life, New Life (Jn 3:6-8), to give the fullness of His Truth to the whole world (Jn 16:13), to bring all people of good will to the Land of Love where the Son of the living God is among His people, in Spirit and Life, to bring everyone to be born again and to contemplate the only true God, One and Triune.
Here is the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), the Mother Earth given to men by God the Father Almighty to regenerate everyone to new life, in Christ, with Christ and for Christ. Mary, New Jerusalem, from the Little Cradle, the Tabernacle of the living God, the second and last Grotto of Christianity, will bring to new birth in Spirit and Life all those who want to live as sons of the living God (Jn 1:12), so they may savour the fragrance of His Love.
Here is the living Bread come down from Heaven (Jn 6:51) to nourish and satiate the people who, following the Star, Mary, are already on the way or that want to set out to worship Him who is King, and thus to be able to understand the Mystery of our life and the Mystery of His Life in us.
“Come, all you faithful of the living God, and glorify the King of glory (Ps 23:10), that we may all be, essentially and substantially, in the eternal Life”.
“Come and be satisfied, for abundant is his wage and rich is his banquet (Rev 19:9)”.
“Come, hasten, before darkness engulfs the world and the gates will be shut (Mt 25:12)”.
“Leave everything behind, you who flock, so to understand, to acknowledge and to love the Truth, so that you may all be grafted into the Tree of Life (Rev 2:7)”.
“Be and manifest yourselves as holy fruits of the Holy Tree (Rev 22:2), fleeing temptation and every sin, for great is the gift bestowed on us His sons by the Father giving us the Little Cradle, a Little Dwelling Place (Rev 21:3) but a great bulwark of His faith and of belief in Him as King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev 17:14; 19:16)”.