Hold us close to your heart, dear Mother,
so we may contemplate
Mary’s Ascension to Heaven

July 7th, 2020
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Dear brothers, dear sisters, the feast of today is alive, continuous and throbbing, and even on this day we unite our hearts to the Heart of the Maiden of God, consecrating our lives anew to the Heart of Jesus, to the Heart of Mary, to the Heart of Her who gave herself completely for love of all us Her sons.

We love You with all our being. We love You even more than our very lives. We love You because You have taught us to love God as our sole Supreme Good and to love our brothers and sisters as ourselves. Only in this way, by embodying in perfection the Commandment of Love, we will be able to renew our ‘yes’ in plenitude; so to bear fruit, fruit, much fruit and thereby give joy to Your Motherly Heart, that greatly rejoices for the love and the loyalty of Her faithful sons but that deeply suffers for the disobedience, the infidelity, the lack of love, the ingratitude of many others who, after having received so much, for a nonentity lose themselves; nullifying the sacrifices of a lifetime, nullifying the sacrifices of many brothers who have committed themselves for the sake of their lives; rising themselves up as judges to judge and no longer to love.

Judging belongs to God: we should not judge so as not to be judged.

Let us remain focused on the path of holiness, concerned in keeping our faithfulness in order to answer ‘yes’ to the call received, without ever falling but remaining steadfast in faith to be able to face every trial, every difficulty.

This is a time of trial for the Mystery of God. A time in which the enemy of God is violently carrying out his attack. Jesus says: “The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence” and He adds: “Only the violent take hold of it“. Therefore, Jesus teaches us to be strong, to remain steadfast, alive, never falling, never wavering, never doubting lest we be overwhelmed by the mud and all that comes from the world and from the enemies of God. Only by remaining in communion of heart, soul and spirit with Christ the Saviour, the Living Bread descended from Heaven, everything can be conquered and overcome. This is our feast, which we want to continue to live united to the Heart of this Mother, remaining grafted into Her pure and holy Heart, so to be nourished by Her lymph that gives Life.

She, who loved Jesus as His Mother loved Him; She, who is the synthesis of all the Prophets and all the ancient Patriarchs, more than ever holds us tightly to Her Motherly Heart. We, who have taken Her hands in order to undertake the journey that leads to the Father’s Heart, now want to remain united to those hands to let ourselves be guided, to abandon ourselves to Her will, in the certainty of Her Motherly presence, in the certainty of Her Motherly help. From Heaven, She now guides us even more, so that this Mystery, Her and our Mystery, may proceed according to the Father’s will.

Here is our faith; here is our certainty in the Mystery of the Child God that will never fall, that will never be defeated, despite the difficulties and attacks that the world is now so violently carrying out.

To You we entrust ourselves, Holy Mother; help us in this time to contemplate Mary, Her Life, to embody Her virtues, as You did. In this Holy Time, which begins today, help us to remain focused on Mary, so that we may, already from now, fruitfully and holily live this time, a time of prayer and meditation, a time in which the sons of the Mother Church are contemplating the Marian Ascension, so that we may come to celebrate Mary on the day of Her Assumption into Heaven and thus be able to celebrate Her as Queen of Heaven and Earth, as Universal Coredemptrix.

We entrust this Holy Mystery to Mary.

Mary protect Your sons. Mary protect Your young people. Mary remove all temptation and distraction from their hearts. Grant that in this time, they may be stronger and even more steadfast in faith, so to find shelter, comfort and support at the shade of Your Motherly mantle.

To find shelter, ask with a sincere heart: Father in Your Dwelling Place I wish to live, that I may serve You and love You.

To find comfort, unclothe yourselves of ‘self’ to be clothed by the Light that radiates from this Land of Love.

To find support, unburden your mind from every thought so that you may open your heart more and more and abandon yourselves to the will of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

And you will find everything, so that no one may feel excluded or abandoned, put aside; so that everyone may be true protagonists of this Mystery; true protagonists of the Life of Mary in us, so to be able to renew our ‘yes’ to the call received and to live, to manifest and to witness the only Love that makes everyone burn with hope, for having found here, in the New Jerusalem, the only certainty that is Christ and Mary.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.