Mary sacrifices Herself to join Christ.
No longer sorrowful
but Queen and Coredemptrix
April 3rd, 2020
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Dear brothers, today, on this day, the devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows is alive in many Christians.
In fact, on the Friday before Palm Sunday, many commemorate the Friday of Passion of Mary, to unite the Mother’s Passion with that of Her Son which is celebrated on Good Friday.
On this day, Mary’s pains are placed at the center of the meditation of many. In this ancient tradition, Christians want to take time to contemplate the pain and passion of Mary who, united with Her Son, immolates Herself for the salvation of humanity. Jesus and Mary united in everything, from the beginning to the end, in joy and pain, to begin the Mystery of salvation and redemption wanted by the Father.
Mary’s Passion, united with that of the Son, has always been alive.
Mary died in the world’s eyes, to give birth to Her Son, to bring everyone to salvation in Christ, with Christ and for Christ.
Mary teaches us how to die to the world so to rise again in Christ. Mary teaches us how to embrace that Cross that illuminates the world, the only Light of weeping and joy, death and resurrection. Mary teaches us to keep alive in our heart, the Sacrifice made for us, so that it may always remain in our heart, the Sacrifice that You, Jesus, have wanted with Your crucifixion, so that it may be an unforgettable example for us.
This is the prayer revealed by Our Lady to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, in the intertwining of Love and Heart between Mary Most Holy and She who embodied Her virtues in Her life, She who is our Mother in Spirit, She who helped us to be reborn from High in the Spirit, here, in the New Jerusalem.
Must to be deep our devotion to Mary, She who, in the Son, with the Son and for the Son, has sacrificed Herself. And so for all Her sons.
Mary, in these times, helps us to enter the Mystery of the Cross and to make it alive. Mary embraced the Cross, never denying Her call.
Whoever teaches, at these times, that Mary, under the Cross, would have thought that she had been deceived by the Father and that the Father would have told her lies, is not from God. Whoever now doesn’t honor Mary with the titles She deserves, but rather would like to make Mary remembered only as a “disciple” and Mother of Jesus, is not from God. This has been said, even today, by who already in the past, speaking of Mary, labelling Her as “crossbred”, has said that Mary is only a disciple of Jesus.
Therefore, what has been said today, had already been said in the past; and from one mistake to another, there is perseverance in wanting to downgrade Mary to a mere disciple of Jesus.
For true Christians, Mary is everything, Mary is “the” Mystery, Mary is the masterpiece of the Creator, Mary is the totally beautiful, Mary is the totally pure, Mary is the Mother of God, the Immaculate, the Universal Mother of all living beings, the Queen of heaven and earth, She who is assumed to Heaven in body and soul, the Universal Coredemptrix, She who, united with Her Son, saves.
It’s quite another thing saying, as it has been said today, that Mary is not an ‘almost’ redeemer or Coredemptrix, wanting to diminish Mary’s role in the Father’s plan of salvation.
Mary is the Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit of God, the Dwelling of the Holy Spirit of God. Mary’s sons are animated by the same Spirit of the Mother, the Spirit who issues from the Father and the Son.
Whoever doesn’t appreciate and dishonors Mary, is animated by another spirit which is not the Holy Spirit contained in Mary Tabernacle, and is not that Spirit who proceeds from God the Almighty Father and from the Son Jesus: it’s another spirit, enemy of Mary and of Her sons.
Now and forever, the sons of this Mother Church will honor Mary with all their heart, with all their soul and with all their spirit, as the great saints and martyrs of Christianity have done, and as the one we remembered yesterday did, John Paul II, who made his love for Mary his motto: Totus Tuus, I’m all yours.
In communion with the holy martyrs of Heaven, we say today: “Mary, all for you and for your Jesus”. And as it was revealed by God to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, today we renew to You, dear Mother, our promise, a promise of love, saying together: “I will console You and for as much as I can, I will make You known and loved by all those who do not love You, consoling thus Your Immaculate Heart. In You I trust, in You I hope, and only You I want to love”.
Most Holy Mary, Queen of the Universe and Universal Coredemptrix, may bless us, today in a particular way, so that Her Heart may no longer be sorrowful but may be consoled by the love of all us Her sons.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.