The virtue of Sweetness
July 2nd, 2020
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Today I want to meditate, with you, on the virtue of Sweetness that characterises and belongs to the Maiden of God and belongs to those who live to be true handmaids of Mary.
Sweetness demonstrates itself always, constantly. Sweetness is holy balm that is lavished with love and generosity, without limits, without weighing with the yardstick of the world what belongs to God. Sweetness is generous and does not keep anything for itself, but lives to give love to God and to the neighbours, in the awareness that God gives so much to those who much love and to those who are generous at heart. Sweetness is meek, is never arrogant and is inclined to excuse rather than accuse, for God is Merciful.
Jesus has come down again from Heaven, into the Land of Love to bestow His infinite Mercy upon all who ask for forgiveness with a sincere heart, so that many may taste that Milk and that Honey that God has promised to His sons, allowing those who dwell in the Promised Land, in the Sanctuary of the Lord, to savour His sweet melody.
Sweetness is meek and offers everything and endures everything for love of the Lord, for His yoke is sweet and His burden is light. The tongue of the sweet one will not utter bitter words, nor haughty or cutting words but, with goodness and grace, will reassure and comfort all those who hope in the Lord, providing that sweet rest which gladdens the heart, restoring it after every battle.
May the Maiden of God, who gave Herself completely for the love of Her Lord, grant us the grace of embodying this virtue so to gladden the path of God’s sons, giving to everyone Her sweet Balm that warms the heart, refreshes the spirit and is holy refreshment for the soul.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.