And You, young people,
overcome evil by love and true brotherhood
March 11th, 2022
2nd Friday of Lent
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Today, the Second Friday of Lent, we offer our prayer, our everyday life, in honour of the wound on the left hand of Jesus, and we offer all this for the young people, so that they, on the example of the young Jesus, may overcome the evil one.
The seed of victory is alive in the young people. The holy strength that enables to go beyond every difficulty and overcome every hindrance and every trial, is alive in the young people. This strength is alive, it’s innate in the young people. Don’t waste this power, don’t allow the enemy of God to make you drowsy, to numb your consciences, your spirit, your holy vigour, don’t let yourselves be overcome by the revelries, by the temptations of this world, by all that is an artificial light in this world. Follow the Light, Christ the Light. Follow His example of Young Man and nothing will stop you, nothing will be lacking.
Here is the example for all you beloved young people: Christ, the Young Christ, the Young Jesus, and Mary, the Eternal Maiden, She who embodied the Eternal Youth, She who together with Jesus will lead us to live the Eternal Youth. Follow the example of Jesus and Mary and the enemy will be vanquished. You will crush the enemy’s head with the strength of your faith, with the might of your love, so that he may no longer harm God’s sons. Be an example to all those young people who still do not know Jesus and do not know Mary, do not know the Love descended out from Heaven, but they know other human and worldly loves.
Wipe out, destroy with all your might, the seed of jealousy and rivalry. There can be no true friendship where there is jealousy. Jealousy stifles love.
Win, with the strength of faith, win with the strength of love: for Christ and for Mary. A brotherly love that should circulate freely, so that everyone may be able, already from now, to live the Kingdom, that Kingdom that in the New Jerusalem has come down and is alive. Those who want to live the Holy City are to rid their hearts from every unhealthy feeling and, on the example of the Young Jesus and the Young Mary, will win and triumph.
And now let us pray to the Father with the prayer that Maria Giuseppina received from Jesus on 15 April 1982.
Almighty Father,
we offer You the sorrowful Passion of Jesus,
His glorious Ascension to You,
for these hard and difficult times.
Lord, have mercy.
Consecration to the Father’s Heart
To You, my Lord, I Offer my life, my everyday life.
Make me partake in Your Love so to win in Your Name.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.