God created Her to generate Life.
Here is the gift of God to the Woman
September 8th , 2022
Solemn Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Today we live the solemn feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Day of Heaven, which has allowed a barren womb to bloom the most beautiful Flower on this Earth. Day of Light, in which the most beautiful creature of the Father saw the light, so that, through Mary, many could over time and betimes, meet He who is Light: to acknowledge Him, follow Him, love Him and live Him for eternity.
Here is that Life began from Mary. Mary was conceived in the Heart of the Father before sin entered into Time: She and Life, that in the Father is, have always been one, united in the only Love that flows from the Heart of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. For every true Christian, there is no life without Mary and there is no Mary without Life. Mary and Christ, the Way, the Truth and Life, united in the Love that issues from the Father, so that all those who receive the gift of biological Life may then live eternal Life for eternity.
Life is therefore the greatest gift given by the Father to humanity. And in His prerogative as Father of infinite omnipotence, the Father could have given life directly to every one of His creatures, as He did with Adam and Eve. But, in His infinite Love, for Mary and for every woman, the Father wanted to give this prerogative to every woman, so that from the union of a man with a woman, the woman could make life sprout in her womb, so that every life could see and recognise the Light.
This was done by God the Father Almighty, who willed that the Son would be begotten in Mary, with Mary and for Mary, through the work of the Spirit, who is Holy, who proceeds from His Heart of Father and from the Heart of the Son, in a living interweaving of Love and Holiness, which takes shape and life in the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. As a consequence, every woman, on Mary’s example, understands the gift and the mission that the Father has entrusted to her throughout history, having received the gift of making every human being grow in her womb. Thus, every woman, strong and aware, takes strength, to defend with all her might the gift she received, so that this humanity may progress and not regress, not retreat in the face of the advance of the unclean spirit that would like to destroy everything and to make the gifts bestowed by the Father in His infinite Love, not appreciated but despised.
Today, on the example of Mary, the woman of God stands up in defence of the gift of life, so that the Joy and Love that springs from each new life may help everyone and, in particular, all the women in difficulty, to overcome every suffering, every anguish and every pain, even what is most atrocious caused by whatever form of violence. Christ is Life. Mary is Life. And every life that is born is the tangible and visible sign of the Love that in Christ and in Mary, overcomes every hatred, overcomes every suffering, overcomes every violence.
This is the culture of Love that comes to life on this day, in which the Mother Church celebrates and honours the Nativity of Mary, She who was born and has lived as a humble handmaid; and whom, espousing Her will, God the Father Almighty chose as Mother, and then crowned Her as Queen and consecrated Her as universal Coredemptrix.
In union with all Christians and with all men and women of good will, let us defend today and always the sacred gift of life, to give voice to the voiceless, so that every holy fruit sprouted in the womb of every woman may see the Light and in the Light recognise the Righteous and Holy Sprout, who has come down again from Heaven in the New Jerusalem, so that all may have Life and have it in plenty, for eternity.
Come you all who love Life. Hasten you all who, animated by good will, love the whole Truth, without compromises. Do not delay, you all who love the only Way that leads to salvation: Christ. Mary awaits you here, to bestow upon you Her infinite Love, Christ the Love, He who here, in His infinite Mercy, wants to embrace every son eager to be reborn from Above to dwell in the Father’s Heart for eternity.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.