«Where do You want us
to prepare Easter for You?»
Let us give Him love
April 13th, 2022
Holy Wednesday
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
On this Holy Wednesday, the page now proclaimed of the Gospel of the Evangelist Matthew, narrates us about the betrayal of Judas. It is a sad page that we would never want to read and reread but it prepares us to understand the Passion that Jesus had to live as He completed the ascent to Mount Calvary and was nailed to the cross.
These were not easy days for Jesus. He was betrayed by one of his friends to whom he had given nothing but love. But that friend, being full of his “self”, full of his convictions, full of his selfishness, didn’t want to open his heart to the Master, he didn’t want to abandon himself to follow the Master’s will, he didn’t want to turn off his mind and open his heart, but he wanted to humanly judge the Master’s thought. An infinite thought that was beyond humanity. Wherefore Judas betrayed Him. Yes, Judas betrayed Him for thirty silver coins, but above all he betrayed Him because of haughtiness, because of that ‘self’, that being self-conceited which Judas was unable to overcome. He wasn’t able to take refuge in prayer and fraternal union, he wasn’t able to humbly ask for the help of his brothers, of his confreres and of the Master. And by remaining alone, by isolating himself, he did nothing but give the enemy the opportunity to enter his heart and betray the Innocent One.
Here is Easter: “Where do you want us to prepare for you?” By asking this, the disciples had unconsciously prophesied. He who was prepared, the Lamb, was Jesus. The Lamb, immolated and prepared, so that sacrifice could save the world. Nothing had been wasted. That saving sacrifice has given the possibility to many to redeem their lives from sin and lack of love. Here it is that now, in this Land of Love, everything is being fulfilled. That sacrifice is brought to perfection by the sacrifice of God’s sons, so that the Father through the Son, can bring the Plan of Love and Redemption for this humanity to completion.
Great is the Mystery we are living, beloved sons and brothers. Be always aware of the call that the Father has given us in this Land of Love: do not disperse this call, do not allow your ‘self’ to prevail over God, who has established His tent here in this Land. Be humble and docile to His will. Be as weightless as leaves, so that the wind of God may guide each one of us every day, and so that each one of us may say: ‘do with me what pleases You’. Let us surrender ourselves daily to the will of the Lord so to bear fruit, fruit, fruit. This is our call, that in this Land of Love is fulfilled.
Woe to him who betrayed the Son of God: it would have been better for that man if he had never been born. Behold, the mother of that man has arrived to curse her womb, for having given life to he who should never have had to see the light, because by having betrayed He who is Light, now darkness has enveloped him for eternity.
We offer everything to Jesus, so that our offering may console His Heart, so that Jesus may find rest here in His Cradle, so that each one of our hearts may become a cradle for Jesus who comes here every day to find rest in the hearts of His sons and brothers. A Jesus begging for love, a Jesus who gives Love, the Love made Flesh, and at the same time feeds on the love of His sons and daughters. Do not suppose that Jesus does not need your love. Give Him love, give Him love, every day, so that every little offering may be pleasing to Him, in order to bring to fulfilment all that is in the Heart of the Father and to give joy to His Heart.
Love, love, only and only love. In doing so, on the example of the Maiden of God, we will allow Jesus to find rest, we will make our heart become a living Cradle where the Lord can rest. And in this way we are preparing ourselves to live these “Three Days”, the Triduum of this Holy Week, that will then lead us to live the joy of the Resurrection.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.