To Your Heart rises the Invocation of Love
July 5, 2024
Solemn Feast of Maria G. Norcia’s return to the Heart of the Heavenly Father
Meditation of the Day by Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
To You, Holy Mother, our heartfelt gratitude and all our Love.
Our souls rejoice on this holy and solemn day, desiring to be one with your soul, thus to live Heaven that belongs to you and that you, by your Ascent, have brought nearer to us, so that we may experience it ever more in plenitude, here, on this earth, which will no longer be a Valley of tears for the sons of God. Purified by the fire of the Holy Spirit who is Love, the earth will be rendered new and everyone will be able to live the endless bliss that You have promised us, announcing the New Jerusalem to the whole world.
Blessed are You and blessed are all those who have believed in You.
Blessed are You and blessed are all those who have loved You.
Blessed are You and blessed are all those who will love You even more henceforth, having found in You and in Your holy hands the way that leads all to Your and our Jesus, the love made flesh, the one who alone gives life.
On this day, we, your sons, thank you that this day may mark a new stage in our journey of love and life.
With all our hearts we implore you, Holy Mother, to intercede today before the heart of the Father and to grant us your grace and your justice: Grace and Mercy for the sons of God, for all those who suffer in body and soul, for all those who are persecuted and oppressed, abused in their inmost being, imprisoned without guilt, deprived of all rights and freedoms, trampled upon in their dignity; Merciful Justice for all the tormentors, the oppressors, the liars, the idolaters, the sorcerers, the slanderers, the deniers of the Truth, for all those who have abused the Name of God for their own gain, and for all those who have done evil in the Name of God, abusing the little ones and violating the hearts of the simple.
“Father, shake and strike this Earth, so that the world may feel your living presence: those who will want, may see, believe and repent, and thus live Your Heart of Good and Holy, Merciful and Just Father. Through the intercession of this your Maiden, eternally blessed, grant this prayer so that Good may triumph and evil may succumb. Intervene, Father, and make us wait no longer. Stretch out your Arm: of Love for your sons, of condemnation for all those who persist in blaspheming the Holy Spirit”.
In you I trust, in you I hope and you alone I want to love. And so be it.