The devotion to St. Joseph,
upright and holy man, will always continue
March 31th, 2021
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Dear brothers and dear sisters, great has been the devotion of the faithful of this Mother Church to Saint Joseph during this month of March, which today is drawing to a close. However, what continues and will continue is the great devotion of the sons of God to this great, upright and holy man.
The world has not understood Jesus’ love for him. This is why we want to embody his example, his virtues and bring his example to all, so that the world of good will may see, understand and love St. Joseph, thus thanking him just as Jesus eternally thanks him, for the living protection this Holy Guardian gave him, especially when the little Jesus was in danger of life, when the ravenous wolves wanted to intercept his scent to tear his body apart. This is why Jesus called him and calls him “Father”, wanting to bestow His great love on him for the great sacrifice this holy man gave Him.
For the love we feel for Saint Joseph, we want to show him our total devotion, thanking him for what he did protecting and loving Mary Most Holy and the Child Jesus. Whoever really wants to embody the Christian spirit is called to love Saint Joseph to the fullest. In fact, it is by loving St. Joseph that the love for Mary Most Holy, the Coredemptrix, will increase; and, in a crescendo of love, it is by loving Mary that the love for Jesus, the Redeemer, will increase more and more, in the unbreakable love that binds the Mother to the Son, the Son to the Mother: that love which Saint Joseph had well understood. Saint Joseph bowed to that unbreakable bond, to that unique Love, so to contemplate, understand and live it ever more. That unique love has totally permeated the man Joseph, allowing him to completely conform to the Father’s will, so to be instructed and guided in every moment of his life. In doing so, St. Joseph became the prized tool in the hands of God; and for his obedience and disposition of heart, God entrusted him with the most precious things on Earth: the Word of God become flesh and His most beautiful Work, Mary.
On this day, the holiness of Saint Joseph introduces us to the Mystery of the Easter Triduum and to the Mystery of the Sunday of Resurrection in which Saint Joseph co-participated in spiritual union with Mary, His Bride, and with His Jesus, in the waiting for His Son, by overcoming death, opened the gates of Heaven for everyone, those same doors that the glorious Saint Joseph crossed triumphantly, welcomed by the angels and saints who reverently praised the Guardian of the guardians, the one who offered his very life for the love of Jesus and Mary, for the triumph of the spirit, even renouncing to a part of his blood ties.
Praise and honour to you, glorious Saint Joseph. To you our reverent plea, so that all of us, following your example, may always answer “yes” to God’s Call and bear fruit, in the love for Mary and Jesus, just as you did. And so be it.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.