Maria G. Norcia,
the humble Maiden of God

January 21, 2018

On January 21, the Mother Church celebrates the Feast of the recurrence of the earthly birth of Maria G. Norcia, the humble Maiden of God chosen by the Father for the fulfilment of the Project of salvation for humanity. On 13 June 1947, the Father sent Baby Jesus down from Heaven who, welcomed by the Maiden of God, entered Her Heart.

In her Heart, which became the living Cradle of the Love of God, who took permanent dwelling in Her, she lived in expectation of the manifestation of the Divine Saviour that, in the fullness time of the Father, would have been fulfilled.

Then, on 15 May 1974, Jesus appeared to Her, together with the Blessed Virgin and St. Michael the Archangel, to announce to Her the mission of Salvation for humanity that the Father would have entrusted to Her, for the triumph over Evil as its final fulfilment. Despite Her amazement and the human difficulties She was going through, God’s Maiden entrusted Herself to the Lord by pronouncing Her “yes” to the divine Will.

From the last Sunday of August 1975 to July 5, 2008, for thirty-three years, Mary, faithful handmaid of Her Lord, lived welcoming, comforting, praying and taking on Herself the burden of the sins of the people who came to the “Little Cradle of Baby Jesus”, and uninterruptedly offering Her life and Her daily life to the Father, who revealed to Her that the Land of Love, the White Island prepared to preserve the purity of faith in the world, is the “New Jerusalem” (Rev 21:2-3) announced by the prophecies and the Holy Scriptures, prepared for the fulfilment of peace.

Mary, during Her whole life, daily surrendering to the Father’s Will, constantly repeated Her humble prayer, which soon became the prayer of all those who had entrusted themselves to Her in order to live and to return to live the true Christianity: «Do with me as You please: may Your Will be done».

However, a great part of humanity has not accepted the sign sent by God in history. The “New Jerusalem” has not been accepted. Mary has suffered continuous trials, accusations and humiliations, private and public, caused especially by those who did not want to welcome Her proclamation of salvation, Her mission, Her divine revelations, those who arrived even to accuse Her of heresy. In fact, the Church of Rome has declared “the New Jerusalem” as well as Her divine revelation “unacceptable” as such [1].

Despite all this, She continued her mission, entrusting herself to the paternal cares, being sure that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit would never abandon her. By instructing the people and making welcome to the people the one whom the Father promised her that he would send Her, Mary revealed all that was to be accomplished and completed so that the mission of salvation which She began could continue and be completed.

Hence the birth of the “Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem”, Sign of God’s Love, wanted by the Father in His infinite mercy for the fulfilment of the project of salvation of humanity, that is officially born after the abomination of the desolation has taken hold (Mt 24:15, Mk 13:14, Dn 9:27) in what was once “the holy place” but that from 13 March 2013, holy would no longer be. From that moment on, in the Courtyard of Rome, apostasy has prevailed over holiness.    

Therefore, the Father broke the Covenant with that house, which was once holy, withdrawing His Holy Spirit from it. Since then, the ruin of that house is increasingly growing. The netherworld has prevailed in the hearts of many who still live there, starting from the top. The house which once was the House of Christ’s sons, is day after day becoming the “common house” of the enemies of Christ namely a neo‑church that has apostatized from the true Christian faith, and that has abandoned the true doctrine, which is Christ , to lead everyone into a new faith, only human, with the propose of bringing together all religious confessions in a new global religious philosophy, so to lead all its inhabitants to worship the spirit of the anti‑christ, which wants to draw all people to himself in a false “love”.

This Mother Church, with whom the Father has restored His Covenant, is born thanks to the sacrifice of the One who gave all Herself for the Father’s Love, the humble Maiden who renewed Her “yes” to the Will of the Father day after day, going beyond any affection, even human, in order to fulfil the mission that the Father entrusted Her. Just as it was for the Maiden of God, so it is for all of Her spiritual sons, who, in Mary, recognize themselves and who, in Mary, want to continue to love Her Jesus: «In You I trust, in You I hope, and only You I want to love» .


[1] Roman Catholic Church, Notification of the diocesan Curia of Sora-Aquino-Pontecorvo, 9 October 2001