Love has become flesh and dwells amongst us

  1. In the beginning was the Word; the Word was with God; the Word was God (Jn 1:1). Then the Word, who is in the Father, came down into this humanity, becoming incarnate in the Son (Jn 1:14), the Love made Man (1 Jn 4:9). The Love has come among His people to show everyone the Way to follow, the Way of Love, but his people did not accept Him (Jn 1:11). Those first brothers who did accept Him have become sons (Jn 1:12) and have brought Love to the whole world (Acts 1:8), so that many could receive the Catholic announcement of salvation (2Sam 22:3). But over time the successors of those first brothers have lost the Way of Love (Ez 34:10), diverging from the Truth of the Gospel (Jn 8:45), thereby precluding many from eternal Life (Jn 3:16).

  2. In His infinite mercy (Tob 3:2) the Father has again sent the Word (Rev 19:11-13), pouring out His Holy Spirit on the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), so that the Love made flesh could be again in the heart of His sons and lead everyone to the Father’s Heart (Mal 3:23-24a), the Tree of Life (Rev 2:7).

  3. Behold the Mystery of the Child Jesus, who manifests the Trinitarian Mystery of God (Jn 14:6), so that all God’s sons, in receiving the Holy Spirit, may acknowledge the Father and the Son (Lk 10:22), who came down among his people to unravel the darkness (Jn 8:12) that now as then, clouds over this humanity. Baby Jesus has returned (Acts 1:9-11), to be welcomed into the heart of a Maiden, who made Herself a living Cradle, allowing Love to be as one with Her Heart.

  4. She became an adult in God’s Love, while remaining an eternal Maiden (Mt 5: 8). By means of Her Heart, the Word has spiritually become flesh (1Jn 1:1), to be and dwell in the hearts of the Father’s faithful sons who, welcoming His announcement of salvation (Ps 94:1), recognize themselves with holy pride to be “sons” of royal lineage (Ps 149:2), sons of the King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev 19:16), sons of the Son who gave His Life (Jn 15:13) so that many might have eternal Life and have It to the full (Jn 10:10b).

  5. In the New Jerusalem, God the Almighty Father manifests Himself. The Father is Spirit and Life (Jn 6:63). And in the Spirit, God is Father and Son, Son and Father, Spirit and Life (Rev 22:17).

  6. For the holy people of God, the Feast is alive, continuous and throbbing with life: a Feast in Heaven and a Feast on Earth. On the day of His descent from Heaven (Mt 26:64), Jesus unites His heart of a Child to the heart of His sons to give them His eternal joy (Ps 15:11), and thus being a Brother among brothers, to form one people in one heart and one soul (Acts 4:32), that wants to express in unison a living gratitude to the Father who has sent His Spirit in the Land of Love given to His sons, to dwell there for eternity (Jn 14:17).

  7. The New Jerusalem is a little piece of Heaven on Earth, where the living joy of Heaven lowers itself down on its sons to raise them to the glory of the Son of God (Rev 2:7), because the Little Remnant of the Israel of God has found favor with God (Jer 31:7). God, One and Triune, has come down from Heaven and in the only begotten Spirit (Jn 1:18) He walks and speaks with His sons, manifesting God-with-us, the Emmanuel (Is 7:14; Rev 21:3), and in the only begotten Spirit He reveals Himself to continue to manifest the essence and substance of the one only faith, of the only religion that saves: Christ, the eternal Life and eternal substance of the Father (1 Jn 4:9).

  8. In the Land of Love, there is a living relationship between love and holiness (Ps 15:3), between the outpouring (Jl 3:1) and the fusion of the Holy Spirit (Ez 36:26-27), between the healing of soul and body, thus manifesting the contrast with the world that lives in iniquity and in falsehood (Is 1:4), in lack of love and in apostasy (2 Thess 2:3), in division and in death.

  9. The thirteenth day of June, for the New Jerusalem, is a day of rejoicing and celebration (Rev 12:1.5), so that together with Mary, Her Spirit and Her maternal Heart, all God’s sons may experience even now the delights of Heaven, the Banquet ready to feed those who are still hungry for the Love of God (Is 25:6), to quench the thirst of those who are still thirsty for the Holy Spirit (Rev 21:6), so that all those who consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary may acknowledge the complete Truth (Jn 16:13).

  10. Today all God’s sons rejoice because their soul has encountered its Creator (2 Mac 7:23), who heals and sanctifies with His hand (Ps 102:3) in the Land of Love. The world that by the sword has wounded and cut away the Covenant of the Father (Heb 8:8-9) will be pierced by the sword of Michael the Archangel (Rev 12:7), who will make the Father’s justice triumph over this corrupted and iniquitous world (Ps 9:9).

  11. The Holy City Jerusalem, which has been proclaimed and announced, manifests the essence of the Light who is Christ (Jn 1:9), the Way, Truth and Life (Jn 14:6): one heart and one soul, to manifest to the whole world the people who keep the faith in the true God strong (Acts 16:5), so that faith may not be just a memory but be established once again in the hearts of those who want to find it (1Cor 2:5; 16:13); of those who are in search of it (Heb 10:22); of those who want to experience the true Love, Christ Love, Mary Love, so as to be and live in the Father, who manifests Himself in the Son (Jn 14:8-9) pouring out His Holy Spirit once again (Jn 14:16).

  12. The renewed enthusiasm of the sons of God generates and will generate again holy and good fruits (Mt 7:18). And many will increasingly understand how to love God above all things (Mk 12:30), how to love the brotherhood in their neighbour, so that all neighbours may be loved and welcomed (Mk 12:31).

  13. Behold the Era of the Holy Spirit (Jn 4:23-24), behold the action of the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:26), that pours itself out again over the New Jerusalem to heal many hearts (Jn 14:17), to allow many dormant spirits to fly, to welcome and hold tight to His Heart every prayer said with faith, so that the Father may welcome and grant them in the Little Cradle, the Font of souls, the Sanctuary of Sanctuaries, the Holy of Holies (Heb 9:3), the Tabernacle and Source of eternal Life (Jn 4:14).

  14. Holy and Good Father, today as Pontiff I entrust this Church, this people to Your merciful and just Heart (Ps 115:5). And I invoke today, Father, your intervention of Love and Peace (Gal 5:22), so that all may feel Your Presence, Your Will and Your great and infinite Love (1Jn 3:1). Father, take action, intervene and triumph, as only You can” (1Jn 5: 4-5). In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

June 13, 2022
Solemn Feast of Baby Jesus

The Pontiff