Universal Message of Pontiff Samuel for all Christians
and for all men and women of good will
Love has come down on Earth again
Beloved brothers and sisters and dear men and women of good will: may the peace, joy and love of Christ (1Sm 25:6), Light of all peoples (Acts 13:47), be with you all!
I write to you all, animated by the Love (Rm 8:35), which is Christ Jesus. The Love who, after having given Himself for our salvation, unites us and desires to re-unite us in one Body in order to make us all become one in Christ, with Christ and for Christ, the Love made flesh (Jn 1:14): He who is the Way, the Truth and Life (Jn 14:6).
With a sincere heart, I am addressing each one of you with the keen desire to join with all your hearts in raising together a prayer of praise and thanksgiving (Jdth 9:12) to God the Father Almighty: «Honour and glory to You, Holy Father» (2 Pt 1:17).
God the Almighty Father has so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, Christ the Lord (Jn 3:16), to allow us all to form one Body in Christ the Lord (1 Cor 12:13), the expression of union with the Only-Begotten Spirit, who is Christ the Lord, He who is Life Himself, He who sacrificed Himself for the Love of His sons in order to give eternal Life (Jn 12:24).
In His infinite Love for the Father, Jesus has never ceased, in the course of history, to continually give His infinite Love to us and His living and continuous Presence (Mt 28:20). We are now living the end times of Christianity (1 Pt 1:5), the times in which the Father wants to bring to fulfillment His Plan of Love and Redemption for Christians and for all humanity of good will (Mt 24:33-35).
To give way to the Fulfillment of His infinite Love, the Father has sent again a part of His Heart to a strip of Land not far from the city where the Apostles Peter and Paul shed their blood for the Love of Jesus, in union of heart, soul and spirit with Andrew, James and John, the first friends (Mk 1:16-20) who accompanied the earthly mission of Jesus Christ Our Lord, the Only Begotten Saviour of the world. By the Father’s will, Love has descended again from Heaven (Acts 1:11) in this blessed Land, to dwell and manifest Itself to all Christians and to all those who are seeking the Truth, to all those who want to receive the infinite mercy of the Father who is manifested in His Son Jesus. God the Father Almighty has chosen this Place, this Land of Love to carry out the above-mentioned Plan of Love and Redemption that He Himself has promised will come true here, revealing it to the heart of a Maiden, the repository of this Mystery of Love, who was entrusted by Heaven with the task of announcing to the world that the Father has placed His Tent here to manifest to all Christians and to all those of good will in the world, the “New Jerusalem” which has been revealed in the Holy Scriptures and announced by the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation (Rev 21:2).
This revelation is fulfilled here (Rev 21:3), through the Father’s infinite Love and for the salvation of all those who, recognizing themselves as sons (Jn 1:12), desire to acknowledge Jesus as true God above all things: to adore Him, live Him, and love Him with their own life, in their daily life, placing at the centre the Love which is manifested, lived, and fulfilled in Jesus.
The New Jerusalem is the Land of the Father’s Love (Is 60). An infinite Love for everyone, for everyone, for all those who want to be reborn to new Life in this Place: to be reborn in the Heart of the Son who leads everyone into the Father’s Heart.
Beloved brothers, we know well what Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us: not everyone who says «Lord, Lord» will be saved (Mt 7:21), but only those who with sincerity of heart will succeed in dying to themselves to be born again in the Son (Mk 8:34) acknowledging the Father who manifests Himself in the New Jerusalem as true Man and true God. «Whoever has seen me has seen the Father» Jesus said (Jn 14: 9). The same now, by the Father’s will, in this Little Cradle of Baby Jesus, whoever meets Jesus in Spirit and Truth (Jn 4:23), meets the eyes of the Father. The eyes of a Good and Holy, Just and Merciful Father, who wants to give Life, the true Life (Jn 15:1), to His sons, so that everyone may live Life (Jn 15:4-5), understand it, and love it, in the essence and in the divine substance, in order to be reborn from Above (Jn 3:7), be clothed by His Light and give to everyone the holy teachings that shine and will shine in the Little Cradle of the Child Jesus.
Living the words written in the Book of Books, living the words that rise from this Land of Love, means living and embodying the words of Jesus in our lives (Jn 14:21): being of good example and holy instruments who give themselves with love so that Love may spread and find a place in everyone’s heart, before everything and everyone, above any human logic, beyond an empty humanism that raises man at the price of rejecting again the Man God Jesus (Ps 117:22; Mk 12:10), His teachings and His saving sacrifice (2Tm 4:1-5).
Those who want their soul to be healed are to ask with a sincere heart: «Father, heal me» (Jer 17:14). The Father can do everything: He can heal the body and can heal the soul in its depths. However, in order to do this the Father needs our personal consent (Mk 1:40), to give us again a pure and holy heart, ready to understand Love, ready to understand His Fatherhood, ready to understand the meaning of Christianity which, in the New Jerusalem, is rooted in the Father’s Heart.
This means being a new Christian: not leaving what is already known but deepening the sense of the origin of each one of us, the meaning of Life, in essence and substance, in the originality of the Father’s thought (Gen 1:27-2:25).
In this Land of Love, God the Father has placed the centre of Love (Rev 21), where Jesus has desired to restore a new relationship between the sons and the Father. This is the House where the Covenant has again been strengthened, never to be broken again (Jer 31:31). This is the Land where Life is, where the breath of Life (Gen 2:7) is renewed and regenerated for eternity.
This is the message that I desire to address to you all with love and humility, beloved brothers and sisters and dear men and women of good will (Rm 16:25), so that Jesus may help us to bring everyone back to the right Path, so that everyone may live human relationships in simplicity with all the populations of this Earth, so that all peoples may understand the essence of Life in the genuineness of the Christian message, so that everyone may do Good at the expense of evil (1 Thess 5:15).
And so that the Good may triumph (Rom 12:21). Not a subjective and personal good, but an objective and primary Good, above everything else: the Love of God (1 Cor 16:24), Supreme Good, universal Good for humanity. The Love of the true and holy God, the only Lord and Master (Jude 25).
This is my hope and my invitation, which today I wish to extend to you all on this Feast of Light (Lk 2:32), hoping for the beginning of a new relationship that can even more fully unite all Christians and all men of good will with all that is Heaven.
2 February 2022
Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
The Pontiff