The Authenticity of the Christian Care
The itinerary of the Christian care in Christ and Mary
and of the “lack of care” for the Spirit of God
Jesus is the only begotten Son of God (Jn 1:18), the Saviour of the world (Jn 4:42). Whoever believes in Him will live (Jn 3:16). Whoever does not believe, will perish (Jn 3:18). This is the timeless and eternal truth of faith for all Christians, for all those who are “sons”, through the Son, the One and Triune God (Jn 1:12).
Jesus is Teacher, Brother and Friend (Jn 13:13). In His essence and substance as Man God, Jesus reveals His living closeness, His care for every son: that fraternal and divine care (Ps 67:20) which, as Master and God (Jn 20:16), Jesus has for every son and for all those whom the Father has over time entrusted, entrusts and will entrust to Him: a holy, accurate and loving care.
In union with the care of Jesus, Man God, Brother and Friend, Lord and Teacher (Jn 13:13), there is the care of Mary, His and our Mother (Lk 1:43): a continuous, constant and holy care.
Jesus and Mary thus manifest their paternal and maternal care for all the sons who, with docility (Phm 21), allow themselves to be cared for, desiring to draw near to their Heart, so that the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary may nourish, teach and sanctify the hearts of all God’s sons.
This is the spiritual and material care granted betimes and over time by the Father to every “son” of God (Jn 10:35), so that all the “sons” (1 Jn 3,2), receiving this care, could in their turn distribute it (Jos 22: 5) and make it known to all the “creatures”, thus taking care, in turn, of all those whom the Father would have betimes and over time entrusted to them (Tb 10:13; Jn 13:7).
On the example of the Man God Jesus, christian care consists in taking care of oneself (Jsh 23:11; Lk 10:27) and one’s neighbour (Lk 10:34-35; Jn 15:17), recognising in one’s neighbour the birth of the Church of Christ (Eph 5:29; 1Tm 3:5).
This is what Jesus did and taught to His first disciples, brothers and friends (Jn 13:34), those who let themselves be renewed and shaped by His hands, His heart, His words and His infinite Love as Man God. In doing so, they let themselves be permeated by the Love of Mary, who gave them the same care that She had given for Her Son Jesus: Son and God (Lk 2:40).
Those sons were thus able to experience the one great love and the one great paternal and maternal care, which healed their soul and their body. They allowed themselves to be healed by the love of Christ and the love of Mary in order to be saved (Jn 2:5).
For all God’s sons, salvation comes through this care, which presupposes the docility of spirit and heart (Jas 1:21) and the will to surrender oneself (1Pt 5:7) to the One and to She who saves, so that all, through the Father, may recognise themselves in the one Trinitarian Love which finds fulfilment in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The care of souls is necessary (Ez 34,6) so that every son and every creature may know the will of Heaven, the spiritual language, the divinity, in order to become holy day after day: the saints of God (Lv 11:45; Mt 5:48).
Mary is the example. She allowed Herself to be totally shaped by the Creator (Jer 18:6), becoming thus the most beautiful work made by the hands of the Father. Whoever sees and recognizes in Mary (Lk 1:30) the bulwark of holiness wanted by Heaven is able to acknowledge salvation in Mary.
Whoever wants to be saved should take the hands of Mary who will help everyone with Her maternal caress, to be reborn by letting themselves be shaped by the only Love which is Christ (Rom 8:35), generated by Mary (Is 7:14) for the fulfilment of all things, in a unique intertwining of Love which joins Christ to Mary.
The intertwining of love between Christ and Mary is holy (Lk 1:31-32). Its comprehension is within the reach of all, although many do not want to understand. Pure hearts understand easily (Mt 5:8), as well as those who are humble (Sir 3:18-20), without presumption or prejudice. Those who want to understand and measure the logic of God by the yardstick of the human judgement (Ps 144:3) risk betraying His Person, who in the Son is (Jn 10:30). Whoever wants only to investigate what belongs to God (Sir 3:21) out of curiosity or to discover the treasures of God, in order to silence and subdue, is not worthy of the knowledge of God.
By the knowledge of the Work carried out in Mary (Lk 1.48a) we will be able to understand the Work of the Son of God: two hands leading to the one hand which is Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Mt 28:19).
The first disciples and friends of Jesus understood both the hands of the Master and the hands of Mary. In fact, when they could no longer physically hold the hands of Jesus, they clung to the hands of Mary (Acts 1:14), those holy hands that hugged Jesus so much and that could serve the Lord so much (Lk 2: 39-40). Those sons formed a community (Acts 2:48), so that the Church could be born from that community, the foundation of Christianity and of the holy roots that the Church of Christ would put down in the world.
Gathering around Mary, the sons of Christ were able to build the House, which is Church (Jn 19:27). Thanks to the Doors of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the sons of Christ can cross the Gate of Heaven that leads to salvation (Rev 21:25). Who is equal to Mary (Lk 1:48b-49)? Who is like Her who bore in Her womb the fruit sent by the Father (Lk 1:42; Rev 12:2)?
This is the correlation and the co-redemption to new life: to be reborn from Above (Jn 3:7) to be saved, in Christ and in Mary. The sons of Christ have managed to heal the world thanks to the care received from God and from Mary, the Mother of God, who have over time managed to heal that part of the world that did not want to escape from the Christian care (1Ts 2:7-12).
Over time, for many the Christian care has become “lack of care” (Jer 23:1; Ez 34): “lack of care” for what belongs to God but cares for their own affairs (Ez 34,2), which have become “malfeasance” (Mt 23:27) for many. Many, called to take care of the Lord’s Vineyard (Lk 20: 9), have thought of tending their own garden, no longer caring for the spirit of their brothers (Jn 10:12-13), no longer nourishing spirit with prayer, with charity and obedience to God; no longer distributing what belonged to the Father so that every son could receive his share (Lk 11,46; Acts 2,42-45).
The “lack of care” for the Spirit of God has took the upper hand in many hearts (Jn 5:42). And many sons and brothers have fallen victim of that “lack of care” (Mt 23:13), becoming martyrs (Rev 17:6) and sharing in the Sacrifice of Jesus, thus in the salvation of souls (Jn 12:24-25).
Whoever co-participates in Jesus, with Jesus and through Jesus is co-redeemer with Jesus, in Jesus and through Jesus (Mt 16:24-25; Rev 7:14). This entails offering and suffering, so to be in the Lord, for the Lord and with the Lord, in an inseparable whole, in a single offering pleased to God (Rev 12:11) that Jesus will make become a Cross of Light that illuminates the world (Rev 21:24).
Those who have moved from the Christian care to the “lack of care” and to the care of their own affairs, have no longer cared to enhance their knowledge of Mary and to bring everyone to know Mary, She who, by grace (Lk 1:28), has been called by the Father to be the Universal Coredemptrix (Gen 3:15). Mary, the most beautiful Flower, the Masterpiece of the Father, She who generated the Man God Jesus (Lk 1:31), She who renewed Her “yes” to God at the foot of the Cross, welcoming in Her Immaculate Heart, the whole humanity that Jesus, as Her Son, entrusted and would have, betimes and over time, entrusted to Her (Jn 19:26).
The “lack of care” for all this, has led to divisions, sufferings and continuous human and spiritual wars (1Cor 1:12-13), thus starting the general confusion, which men have fostered and amplified with their pride (1Jn 2:15-16).
From those divisions came different thoughts that continued to stifle the Truth, thus creating even more confusion (Rom 16:17-18), thus giving even more room to God’s enemy in taking many hearts to himself (1Pt 5:8b), warding them off from the one Truth, that is Christ (Jn 14:6), and to indoctrinate them with a lying and false truth (Jn 8:44). For this reason, the sin of those who have allowed all this, is indeed grave (Jn 10:13), because they have mystified the one absolute Truth (Jn 14:17b), showing not the Truth but the opposite (Lk 11:42) to those who should have looked to Christ’s House as the centre of God’s love (Jn 2:17).
In His infinite mercy, the Father has once again sent a Part of His Heart (Jer 23:5) into human history. The Child Jesus came down in the Land of Love (Acts 1:11) to be welcomed again by a Maiden, called by the Father to lead everyone to be reborn from Above (Jn 3:5-8), in the Love made Man (Jn 1:14), so that Jesus may be spiritually reborn again in the hearts of His sons (Jn 4:24).
In this way Mary spiritually generated Her Son in the heart of Her sons (Rev 12,5). Again and once again (cf. Lk 1:46-49), for the last time.
In Mary salvation will be only for those who, in their struggle, will keep the one faith (2Tm 4:7), making known the one Truth (Jn 15:26) and the true face of God (Jn 3:2). Mary: She who generates Life and She who saves humanity by regenerating it in the Son (Rev 21:22-23).
Those who don’t unclothe themselves from their ‘self’ (cf. Phil 2:7) and don’t allow themselves to be shaped by the action of the Holy Spirit, will never be able to understand the spirituality of Heaven, but will continue to put barriers in the way of understanding of what belongs to God, opposing their own reason to faith, setting limits to their rationality, which don’t lead to the right path, Christ, but lead to a different, personal and relative path, which wants to humanise the God’s thought (Is 29:16).
28. This is why the itinerary of salvation has led the sons of God to the New Jerusalem renewed in the Love of Mary (Rev 19:7), in Her constancy and in Her goodness, to make known to the world the true face of God (Rev 22:4) which manifests Himself in the Land of Love, in the Light and in the infinite Love. The New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2) is the House of God’s Goodness, where everyone can breathe true oxygen, which is Spirit and is Holy, which regenerates the soul and makes the heart soar.
The sons of God rush to be nourished and fed in the New Jerusalem, (Ps 22:1; Ez 34:11-15). Even those who are far from the Truth will come (Ez 34:16), because they will feel the fragrance of holiness, the fragrance of God’s mercy, which is alive for all of them, but which will become merciful justice for all those who are insensitive and ” unconcerned” about the Love of Jesus. Those who enter the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:10) will triumph, just as triumphant was the entrance of Jesus (Mt 21:9), He who came down as a Child from Heaven to make everyone triumph for eternity.
Whoever remains anchored to the “old Jerusalem” (Ez 11:23; Rev 17:5), with all its precepts and all its human rules, risks losing all what the Father has prepared in the “Place” announced by Jesus (Jn 14:2-3), the Corner of Heaven on Earth, given to all God’s sons to make them ascend and dwell in His Heart, Christ, King of Peace, Love and Goodness (Is 9:5-6).
In the “old Jerusalem”, where the christian care has been superseded by the “lack of care”, the care of the Master has been lost (Jer 50:12-13). And Jesus no longer cares for the fate of that house (Mt 23:38-39) which has become old, with a stale taste, which has denied the Holy Spirit and allowed itself to be blinded by the smoke of another spirit. That house will experience its own passion, which will be true and total. A passion not linked to the Sacrifice and victory of the Son of God but due to its eternal defeat (Rev 14:8; 18:2).
The sons of God will look up, with their hearts full of Love, ready to listen and feel all that the Father will do. His finger indicates an indubitable position (Rev 17:9), a living pain (Rev 18:7-8) and a deep cry (Jer 50:15-16; Rev 18:9-10.19). The laceration and the division will be alive and visible. And many will be those who will flee (Is 48:20; Jer 50:8; 51:6; Rev 18:4) leaving a “woman” (Rev 17:18) on her own, because she has become impure and her inhabitants have prostituted themselves (Rev 17:2) letting themselves be caressed by mortal sin (Rev 18:3). The harlot (Rev 19:2) will be plundered and despoiled (Rev 17:6) and will no longer live the Easter of the Son of God (Rev 18:23a), because the Easter of Jesus is made of Love and Light, splendour and holiness.
Jesus will give His sons a living and true freedom (Rev 19:1-2). And Jesus will continue to fish for souls (Jn 21: 6), to heal and cook nourishment with His fire of love (Jn 21:9), to awaken the hunger of God in many hearts (Jn 21:13), to awaken in many hearts the taste for true faith, to awaken in many hearts the desire of entrustment to Mary, Mother, Bride and Queen, Coredemptrix of the Son, for the Son and with the Son (Rev 22:17), because this is what pleased the Father ( Lk 1:49) and no one will ever be able to say the opposite (Ps 8:5; Sir 4:25). The sons of God (Rev 21:7), animated by their Love for Jesus and their Love for Mary, will celebrate and sing praises to the Lord (Ps 83:5), now and forever (Rev 22:20).
April 11, 2021
Solemnity of Divine Mercy
The Pontiff