The Christian Genesis
The Foundation of the teaching
and of the fulfilment of Christianity
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the Son of the living God, who came down from Heaven, was born, and returned to the Earth to manifest Himself and give to His sons what they ask Him (Rev 5:5-8), and to give to the world His Merciful Justice (Mt 5:6).Jesus is the sacrificed Lamb (Rev 5:12) who takes away the sins of the world (1Jn 2:2): the sins of those who sincerely and with a contrite heart ask the Son of God for forgiveness, acknowledging Him for who He is (Jn 11:27).
But the sins of this world are grievous (Gen 18:20), and they cry out for justice to the Father’s Heart. Now the fulfilment of the will of the Almighty Father comes (Rev 12:11), for the benefit of those who have preceded the martyrdom of the Son of God, undergoing it, offering it for the salvation of Christianity (Rev 7:10).
The Earth is full of the blood of the saints and the martyrs (Rev 18:24), and this blood has been gathered by the Father and the Son so that, at this time, the divine Justice may bring their living and holy sacrifice to completion (Mt 23:35).
All those who have offered and suffered in the Name of Jesus are saved (Wis 19:6; Rev 6:10). But those who have caused that martyrdom (Isa 5:20; Jer 23:1) and continue to cause further daily martyrdoms to the sons of God (Isa 30:1; Hos 7:13), and those who remain indifferent in the face of the negligence of many (Isa 57:11), but especially in the face of so much arrogance, will experience the divine Justice (Jer 51:45; Rev 18:20).
The time of the indulgent harvesting has come, and it is now (Mt 13:30, Jn 4:35).
God the Father Almighty created the Earth so that man could live (Wis 1:14) and not die at the hands of his own kind (Gen 4:8; Mt 10:21).
Behold Life, the Father’s breath (Gen 2:7; 7:15), which is to be loved and respected. And behold the Father’s Creation, which was to be and must be respected (Gen 1). But the Earth has been and continues to be trampled. The sacredness of Life has been and continues to be trampled. The Family, the founding cell of this society, has been and continues to be trampled (Dn 8:13).
That is why the Father will purify this Earth anew (Deut 32:43), starting afresh from a small portion of the Earth (Rev 21:1) where the Almighty has set up His Dwelling Place among men (Rev 21:3), the sign of the new creation in everything that is an expression of the Good and Holy Father (Mt 19:28).
The New Jerusalem is the House of God (Rev 21:2). In the New Jerusalem, the sons of God dwell. In the New Jerusalem, He who is, the Shoot of the Land of Love, (Isa 11:1; Jer 23:5; 33:15; Zech 6:12; Rev 5:5) dwells, and He will bring Peace and Holiness again (Isa 4:2; 9:5).
For this to happen, the Earth must be struck (Gen 6:7; 2 Pt 2:5). Many are those who will blame God (Nm 14:27; Dt 6:6), refusing to examine themselves inwardly and try to understand their own faults (Ps 50:5), and above all many will acknowledge He whom they have defied: God (Jer 3:13)
God is Love (Rom 5:8; 1Jn 3:1; 4:7-10). God is Passion (Deut 4:24). Love and Passion, united by the constancy of the action of the Son of God, will bring benefit to the Dwelling Place of God, to the Land of Love, the only Anchor of salvation for this humanity (Lk 1:69), the only Sailing Ship of Peace (Heb 11:7).
There will be Peace (Zc 6:13). But it cannot be a gift. It will have to be an achievement of the sons of God and of every man and woman of good will (1Cor 9:24). In the Land of Love, Peace will be visible, more and more visible and increasingly loved (Ez 37:26; 2 Pt 3:13).
And behold: the Trumpets sound and the one Song of Liberation begins to resound (Rev 14): Christ, He who is the Way, the Truth and Life (Jn 14:6).
November 21, 2022
Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple
The Pontiff