The Doctrine

The Hosanna of the sons of God to the King of Kings
in opposition to the Vatican
tribute to the Indian guru


  1. The true sons of God live to honour and glorify Christ, the Son of David (Mt 21:9), the King of kings and the Lord of lords (Rev 17:14; 19:16; Deut 10:17; 1Tm. 6:15): to Him alone be all honour, glory and thanks forever and ever (Rev 4: 9).

  2. The children of Light live to openly manifest their belonging to Christ, the Prince of Light, the Prince of Peace (Is 9:5), the only Way, the Only Truth, the eternal Life (Jn 14: 6a). No one goes to the Father except through Christ (Jn 14: 6b). He who knows the Son, will also know the Father (Jn 14:7).

  3. In this awareness, the sons of God want to live righteousness, obedience to the Father and respect for Christianity. Whoever loves Christ is righteous in front of God and in front of men, following the example of Christ, true Man and true God. For a Christian, to be righteous means to keep the commandments of the Father and of the Son (Jn 15:10; 1Jn 5:3), and His authentic teachings. The sons live obedience to the Father with love, not by obligation. As the Son obeys the Father with love (Heb 5:8; Rm 5:19b), so the sons obey the Son with love (Heb 5:9), so as to do the Father’s Will together and to be obedient to the true faith (Rm 1:5), which is manifested in Christ, the King of kings, the Lord of lords. The sons of God want to respect true Christianity by holding the one and only Doctrine (1 Tm 4:6), which is Christ. He who respects the Person of Christ, the one and only true Doctrine (Mt 22:33), possesses the Father and the Son (2 Jn 9b). Whoever does not respect Christ, whoever goes beyond and does not adhere and does not respect His teachings, does not possess God (2 Jn 9a). Whoever does not possess the Father, disowns the Son (1Jn 2,23a). Whoever nullifies the Father’s Thought, which is manifested in the Son, disowns the Father and the Son and shows himself to be animated by the spirit of the antichrist (1 Jn 2:22).

  4. Christ is the one and only true Doctrine for the sons of God. Outside Christ there is no salvation (1 Thess 5:9). One is the mediator between God and men: Christ (1Tm 2:5), true Man and true God.

  5. Those who had been called to be the firstborn sons, have denied their call and profaned the primogeniture (Gn 25:33; 1 Chr 5:1b). The ministers of the “Old Jerusalem” (Mt 23:37) have annulled Christianity. They have undermined its foundations, striking the two fundamental pillars: the family, by nullifying the indissolubility of marriage1 and paving the way for forms of union that are not family, endorsing teachings contrary to the Truth2; and also the sacredness of life, attacking it both in the embryonic stage, by diminishing in facts – beyond the words – the severity of the voluntary interruption of life3, and in the final stage, paving the way for the “end-of-life” and “the accompanying of death”4.

  6. Those who are in charge of the “Old Jerusalem” have devalued the Personality of Christ and His Person, publicly affirming that on the Cross, Jesus made himself “the devil”5, “the serpent”6, “the sin, the cursed, the malediction of God for us”7; a “snake, ugly to make you sick”8; that “the Via Crucis is the story of God’s failure”9; that “Jesus is a bit foolish”10.

  7. For those in charge of the Church of Rome, Christ is no longer the only way to salvation. Proselytism has been repeatedly condemned and defined by the Roman Pontiff as “a solemn nonsense”11, “a huge sin”12. This doctrine cancels and denies the teaching of Jesus, who before ascending to Heaven, has commanded Christians to “go into the whole world to preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk 16:15). Proselytism is therefore a commandment of Jesus. To define proselytism as a “solemn nonsense” is like affirming that Jesus’ words are a solemn nonsense. And this is a solemn blasphemy. Moreover, for the Roman Pontiff, the “sons of God” are no longer only the Christians baptized in His name, but all “creatures” are “sons”13. This doctrine is contrary to the teaching of Jesus, who says that “whoever will believe and will be baptized, will be saved, but whoever will not believe, will be condemned” (Mk 16:16). Only the one who believes in Christ (Jn 1:12) and is baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Mt 28:19) is “son” of God (and no longer a “creature”); and respecting the commandments (Mt. 28:20) will be saved.

  8. For the heads of the Church of Rome, Christ is no longer the only Truth. The Roman Pontiff stated that no one should speak, not even for those who believe, of an “Absolute Truth”14,and that a catholic and universal God does not exist15. The Father’s Thought, which is manifested in Christ, is no longer the guiding thought of that house. In the Church of Rome there is no longer the true doctrine of Christ, but everything turns into “thought”: a subjective thought, according to one’s own conscience16, humanistic and relativistic, where everything is humanized and relativized, where the centre of everything is no longer the Father, His Thought, His Word, His Absolute Truth, Christ, but man and his relativistic thought

  9. For the heads of the Church of Rome, Christ is no longer the eternal Life to be attained, by living a holy life, just as Christ is holy (1 Pt 1:16). Salvation is considered by the Roman Pontiff as a free and unilateral “gift” of God17 and not as a conquest of one who daily gives himself to Christ, living His continuous, palpitating, living Mass and co-participating in the Mystery of Redemption.

  10. The true Doctrine, which is Christ, has been watered down to the point of being annulled, with the desire to “mix” Christ and Christianity with the other religious philosophies of the world, so as to bring everyone into a new world religious philosophy that cancels the primacy of Christ. The Father and the Holy Spirit have constituted “the” new Christian religion, in Christ and in His Sacrifice (Lk 22:20), establishing the new Covenant with the guardians of Christianity (Eph 8:8), repealing the previous one. However, the Roman Pontiff, visiting the Jewish Synagogue of Rome, has stated that “the Church [of Rome] recognizes the irrevocability of the Old Covenant and the constant and faithful love of God for Israel”18. This affirmation, which the same Roman Pontiff had ratified in his previous Magisterial Document19, is contrary to the New Covenant sealed by the Father in Christ, in the Mystery of His Sacrifice of Salvation (Mt 26:28; Mk 14:24; Lk 22:20). There is only One Covenant that the Father establishes with His people. And in the moment in which the New Covenant is established, the previous one is revoked (Heb 8:13).

  11. Those who have been called, in the New Covenant, to administer the Father’s Vineyard, have become apostates. After having beaten the servants and the prophets sent by the Father, they denied the Son again (Mt 21: 33-42) and killed Doctrine. Christ, the Doctrine, the Stone, has been discarded again (Lk 20:17). Christ is no longer the cornerstone (Mk 12:10), the capstone (Ps 118: 22) of the Church wanted by the Father (Acts 4:11). The original Thought of the Father no longer exists. Christ is no longer the centre. The primacy of Christ and of Christianity has been sold off. The other religious philosophies are considered on the same level as Christianity, as manifested in the video message of the Roman Pontiff20, mockingly diffused on the same day of the Christian solemnity of the Epiphany, on the day on which Catholic (meaning Universal) Christians celebrate the manifestation of Christ to the nations, to the whole world21.

  12. In the “Old Jerusalem”, the Mystery of the One and Triune God, is annulled and profaned. The Roman Pontiff  said: “Within the Most Holy Trinity, all are quarrelling behind closed doors, while outside the image is of unity”22. The living action of the Holy Spirit in history is denied and said to have stopped two thousand years ago. Christ is no longer adored as the King of kings. The Father’s Thought that is manifested in the Son, the Word Incarnat (Jn 1:14), no longer exists.

  13. The Church of Rome would now want the world to live another paternity, which is not that of God the Father Almighty, who is manifested in Christ, but the paternity of the one who proclaims himself to be a “father” that is imposed as a weight that crushes even as it appears to be “love.”. A “love” that does not lead to Christ, Love made Flesh. The word “love” is actually used in a deceptive manner, certainly not Christian, to give honour and glory to the spirit that was in Sai Baba, who, behind the word “love” wants to attract everyone to himself and to unite the more widespread religions in one, and to be venerated as “god”, thus denigrating the true Father and His Project of Salvation, which is fulfilled only in His Son, Christ, sent by the Father so that, through the Son, humankind could worship and glorify the true God (Jn 12:28; 13:31; 14:13; 17:4-5).

  14. Only by understanding the anti-Christian spirit that lives in the heart of many who inhabit that house, one can understand the homage and tribute that the Vatican, on November 23, again paid to the Indian guru Sai Baba, on the anniversary of his birthday. Last October 31 (the anniversary of the Protestant Reformation), the Vatican officially announced the issuance on November 23 of a new stamp celebrating Martin Luther, although the same Luther is still “officially” excommunicated and branded as “heretic” by the same Church of Rome (and this, in addition to hypocrisy, manifests the underhanded tribute offered in “homage” to Sai Baba). In this commemorative stamp, at the foot of Christ on the Cross, Luther (the father of Protestantism) is put in place of the Blessed Virgin (the Mother of Christianity), while Melanchthon (the faithful friend of Luther) is put in place of John (the Apostle of Love, the faithful friend of Jesus), who was in his old age called by the Holy Spirit to write and seal the prophecy described in the Book of Revelation, announcing the apostasy of the Church of Rome, described as “Babylon “(Rev 14:8, 16:19; 17:5; 18:2.4.9-10.20-21), as “harlot” (Rev 19:2), as “prostitute” (Rev 17:1.15-16) that betrays her Bridegroom, Christ, the Lamb once again sacrificed (Rev 5:6; 13:8). By the Father’s Will, the Bridegroom celebrates the wedding (Rev 19:7.9a) with the Bride (Rev 19:7; 21:2.9; 22:17), the woman clothed with the sun (Rev 12:1), the Mother Church, the New Jerusalem (Rev 3:12, 21:2.10), which in the Spirit generates the Son (Is 66:7, Rev 12:5) in the heart of the sons of God, in the renewal of the new Covenant wanted by God the Almighty Father for the definitive triumph of the Church of Christ over evil and death (Rev 20:14, 21:4).

  15. True Christians will never annul Mary,the all beautiful one, the all pure one, She who has given to the world the only Saviour, the renewed Ark of the new Covenant (Jer 31:31-33) with the “little remnant of Israel” (Is 4:3, 11:11.16; 37:4b.32; Jer 23:3-6; 31:7, 50:20, Ez 20:37, Mic 2:12-13, Zeph 3:11-13; Zech 8:3-12; Rm 11:1-10) which remains faithful to God and to Christ the King of kings.

  16. The sons of the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, with God’s help, will always act in righteousness, in living obedience to the Father, respecting true Christianity, worshiping and honouring only the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Mt 4:10; Deut 6:13), who in the Mystery of the One and Triune God, embodied (Jn 1:14) in history, is fulfilled.

  17. The underworld will never prevail over the Church of Christ (Mt 16:18). The Church of Christ is the Church animated by the Holy Spirit and is formed of various Courtyards. The Courtyard of Rome has apostatized and betrayed the true faith, the Doctrine, which is Christ, in order to worship another spirit that does not come from God. As a consequence, the Father has withdrawn His Spirit from the Courtyard of Rome, renewing the New Covenant with the Courtyard of those who have remained faithful to Christ and His teachings, in which the purity of faith will be defended. No one, either in Heaven or on Earth, can stop the action of the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. The sons of Christ, animated by the living action of the Holy Spirit, following the example of the first Christian brothers, of the saints, and of all those who have remained faithful to the one Doctrine, who is Christ, will announce the Word (2 Tm 4:2), bringing It once again to the new pagans (Acts 28:28).

  18. Never let anyone deceive you in any way. It cannot happen until the Great Revolt has taken place and there has appeared the wicked One, the lost One, the son of perdition, who opposes and who raises himself above every so-called God or object of worship to enthrone himself in God’s sanctuary and flaunts the claim that he is God” (2 Thess 2:3-4).

  19. The sons of Mary, the Immaculate of the Holy Spirit, will persevere for the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, so that in living prayer and true brotherhood, the Church of Christ may be manifested to all men and women of good will and may triumph over “Babylon,” the “great prostitute” (Rev 17:5) that has betrayed Christ and profaned Christianity.

  20. I ask you before God and Christ Jesus who will judge the living and the dead, for his manifestation and his kingdom: announce the word, insist on every occasion opportune and inappropriate, admonish, reproach, exhort with every magnanimity and doctrine. There will come a day in fact, in which one will no longer abide by the sound doctrine, but by the prickling of hearing something, men will surround themselves with masters according to their own desires, refusing to listen to truth to turn to fairy tales. But watch over yourself carefully, be patient in suffering, perform your gospel proclamation, and fulfill your ministry” (2 Tm 4:1-5).

  21. Prayers and hymns to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; and to Her who has generated the Saviour for humanity. To Christ, the King of the universe, the “Amen!” of the sons of God. “Praise, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honour, power, and strength to our God for ever and ever. Amen” (Rev 7:12).

November 21 2017
Feast of the Presentation in the Temple
of Mary Most Holy

The Pontiff




[1] J.M. Bergoglio, Apostolic Letters in the form of ‘Motu proprio’ “Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus” and “Mitis et misericors Iesus,15/Aug/2015
[2] J.M. Bergoglio, Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris Laetitia”, 19/Mar/2016
[3] J.M. Bergoglio, Apostolic Letter in the form of ‘Motu proprio’ “Misericordia et misera”, par.12, 20/Nov/2016
[4] J.M. Bergoglio, Message to participants at the Word Medical Association meeting (16-17 Nov 2017) on issues related to the “end of life”, 07/Nov/2017
[5] J.M. Bergoglio, Homily in the Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Narthae, 04/Apr/2017
[6] J.M. Bergoglio, Homily in the Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Narthae, 15/Mar/2016
[7] J.M. Bergoglio, Visit to the Roman parish of Santa Maddalena di Canossa, 12/Mar/2017
[8] J.M. Bergoglio, Homily in the Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Narthae, 14/Sep/2015
[9] J.M. Bergoglio, Meeting with young people at the Kasarani Stadium in Nairobi, Kenya, 27/Nov/2015
[10] J.M. Bergoglio, Opening of the Ecclesial Convention of the Diocese of Rome, 16/Jun/2016
[11] J.M. Bergoglio, Interview with the journalist Scalfari published in the newspaper “La Repubblica”, 01/Oct/2013
[12] J.M. Bergoglio, Address in the Church of the Assumption, Journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan, 01/Oct/2016
[13] J.M. Bergoglio, Homily in the Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Narthae; Greeting to the Standing Committee for Dialogue between the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and the Iraqi Superintendents, 29/Mar/2017
[14] J.M. Bergoglio, Letter to journalist Scalfari published in the newspaper “La Repubblica”, 04/Sep/2013
[15] J.M. Bergoglio, Interview with the journalist Scalfari published in the newspaper “La Repubblica”, 01/Oct/2013
[16] ibidem
[17] J.M. Bergoglio, Homily in the Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Narthae, 25/Mar/2014; 4/11/2014; 15/Oct/2015; General Audience, 16/12/2015; Angelus, Saint Peter square, 24/Sep/2017; Homily in the Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Narthae, 19/Oct/2017
[18] J.M. Bergoglio, Visit to the Jewish Community in the Synagogue of Rome, 17/Jan/2016
[19] J.M. Bergoglio, Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium”, par.247, 24/Nov/2013
[20] J.M. Bergoglio, “Intention of Prayer for January 2016
[21] ibidem
[22] J.M. Bergoglio, Audience in the Apostolic Palace of the Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church (CTEWC), 17/Mar/2017