The Sacredness of Life
and man’s will to supersede God


  1. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Upon all God’s sons and all those who are animated by goodwill, may there be Peace, the Peace of the Lord Jesus (Jn 20:19), so that everyone may always find shelter, support and, above all, solace of soul in Christ, the King of Life (Ps 93:19): that solace (Lk 2:25) that the world has forfeited since it no longer recognises Jesus as the Brother, the Master, the God of Life, because it has preferred to turn to other idols.

  2. To be able to accept the Will of God, the Almighty Father (Mt 6:10), who manifests Himself in His Only Begotten Son Jesus – He who died and rose again (Lk 24:34) to give eternal Life to all – the world needs to return to understand the foundations of God’s history, and thus the Mystery of the Incarnation of the true God (Jn 1:14), of His manifestation in history (Mt 2:11), in order to bring to the centre of everyone’s life, the Essence and Substance of Love, who created everything and moves everything (1Jn 4:10).

  3. Man must firstly return to acknowledge the Work of God and the Person of God (1 Jn 3:1), discovering Him daily, starting from where the Person of the true God has been forgotten and disowned (Acts 2:26).

  4. Understanding then, their own misdeeds (1 Cor 2:8), their own failings, their own weaknesses. Understanding that He who created everything (Gen 1:1) is above all things. Understanding that they are not alone in this world; and that they are not capable of doing and performing anything without He who created everything (Jn 15:5). Understanding how far they can go to then stop.

  5. To understand. A verb, a word swapped for another verb, another word: ‘to demand’. This is haughtiness (Sir 10:12) that has gripped and grips the heart of man, who wants to supersede God (Rom 1:25), claiming the place of the Father Creator.

  6. This taking over from God has led man to deny himself, to deny the true, authentic and deep meaning of life, to deny why he was created (Deut 32:6).

  7. Man is carrying on, no longer remaining in the image and likeness of He who created everything (Gen 1:26) but becoming more and more like beasts (Ps 48:13), that have neither heart (Deut 29:3; Sir 17:7) nor soul (Ps 41:3).

  8. Man’s will has become that of replacing God (Gen 3:1-5).

  9. In doing all this, man has lost his docility in hearing, in behaving, in thinking, in speaking, in deeds (Jer 5:23), working for evil and not for good (Mal 3:14-15), working to oppose their brothers instead of serving them: doing all that is unrighteous in order to assert themselves in the place of God, but above all, to be acknowledged above everything and everyone.

  10. As a consequence of this, here is the outbreak of envy (Wis 2:24) and jealousy, of rivalry and war, of hatred and haughtiness (Rom 1:29-31).

  11. Man has lost the obedience owed to He who generated everything, He who gave him the gift of Life (Gen 2:7).

  12. Docility is a virtue that is now forgotten but which characterised She who became the most beautiful Work of God (Lk 1:28): Mary, She who is docile to the voice of Heaven, docile to the Action of the Spirit, docile in surrendering to the Father’s Will (Lk 1:38a).

  13. Mary has become Queen of Heaven and Earth; She has become part of the Heart of God (Lk 1:49), She who saves, the Universal Coredemptrix (Gen 3:15).

  14. The Father has repeatedly and continuously sent his Pilgrim Mother into this world to recall humanity to Holiness. Mary has appeared and made herself heard and listened in many places, to then leave room and place to the King of Life, who has chosen “his” Place (Jn 14:2c) where to return, to be born and manifest Himself, for the last time.

  15. Mary’s Words have mostly been unheeded (cf. 2 Chr 24:18-19) and concealed; and when credited as worthy of faith, they were misrepresented, so to divert hearts from the true understanding of the urgency to change life (Mt 23:13), to convert, to renounce what is evil and sinful in order to return to the true life, made of Peace and Love.

  16. Love: the Lever that is to open every heart; the Lever to reach the Heart of God (1 Jn 4:8); the Lever to know God, His Intimacy, His Essence and His Substance.

  17. Love: the living Thought, the Sensation and the profound Feeling that must bind all hearts, so to understand one another, to want one another, to love one another, to live one another (Jn 13:34), so that everyone may live in Peace, Quietness and Holiness.

  18. Love: the part given by God the Father Almighty to his sons (Jn 3:16), that throbs in the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus to give Life, to bring everyone back to Life.

  19. As long as man obstinately strives to understand the mysteries of God through rationality (Qo 2:3), he will never be able to understand the Language of Heaven; he will never be able to understand the Action of God; he will never be able to understand the Mystery of God (Job 9:2), that are fully revealed when they become incarnated (1 John 3:1-3).

  20. Here is the Language, the Action and the Mystery of God: everything is simple, everything is humble but, at the same time, everything is profound, even if humanity has now distanced itself from all this and therefore it can no longer understand (Ps 48:21) either the Language, the Action or the Mystery of God that is manifested throughout history.

  21. The first time, the Father made known to men where the Son of God would be born (Mi 5:1), how He would have come (Is 7:14), what He would have done (Lk 2:34) and where He would have led everyone (Jn 3:16).

  22. Then the Father went further, promising that the Son would have returned, in the same way they saw him at that time ascending to Heaven (Acts 1:11).

  23. God’s logic is different from the logic of the world. God is humble (Lk 1:48), man is proud (Lk 1:51). And in his haughtiness man has complicated everything, wanting to foresee and thinking to have already foreseen everything, feeling himself to be omniscient and all-seeing.

  24. For this reason, the Father has chosen a secluded Place (“Jesus’ Revelation to Maria Giuseppina Norcia,” “The Return of Jesus“, 30 October 1994), “the” Place where the Son of God descended to Earth, to once again rewrite and re-establish his Covenant, renewed in the Love of the Holy Spirit, that is Love, and in the love of his faithful sons.

  25. The Book of Life (Rev 20:12) is coming to its end. Only a few pages remain to be written. Then, the Book will be closed and sealed. Those who will be written in the Holy Book of the Father will be saved and will live for eternity. Those who will not be written in the Book of Life will be forgotten forever (Rev 20:15).

  26. Many do not understand the weeping of the Almighty Father and of His Son Jesus at seeing so many of His creatures and so many of His sons being lost forever (Wis 1:13). The Father would never want to see a son being lost (Mt 18:12). But the Freedom given to everyone by the Father is the greatest gift bestowed upon every human being, that will never be revoked, despite the great suffering caused to His Heart.

  27. Here is the good fight of God’s sons (1 Tim 6:12) who live, offer and suffer for Love of God the Father Almighty, for Love of Jesus, the Only Begotten Saviour (Lk 2:11) of the world, because whoever has a heart, cannot remain insensitive to the call of the One who, out of Love, gave His Life so that many may have Life (Jn 10:10) and have it for eternity.

  28. The Mother Church appeals to all the sons of God and all men and women of good will, to all those who have been able to know and acknowledge Jesus (Jn 4:24), to all those who have remained docile to his Word, and to all those who have known how to love by accepting the Will of the Father, so that Life, the sacred gift of God, may be loved and preserved, from the natural conception until God wills.

  29. The Father has once again sent his Son, to his Island of Love, in order to defend and place again at the centre, the purity of faith, the only Doctrine, the only true and holy Theology: Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of God, the only One who saves (Rev 7:17), the One sent by the Father to give eternal Life to everyone (Rev 21:27).

  30. Jesus is Love (Jd 21), the Love made Person. Clasp his holy Hands and nothing will lack (Ps 22:1). Call upon His Holy Name and He will come to your aid (Ps 69:2).

  31. Come out of Babylon so as not to be associated with her sins and partake of her scourges (Rev 18:4). Do not be deaf to the call of Heaven, which has throughout time and betimes spoken through its prophets. Do not indulge in idols (Rev 9:20). Leave behind what has become merely human (Rev 18:23) and is destined to fade away.

  32. Do not be astonished (Rev 17:7), you who have seen the wonders of God, for everything has become putrid: what appears beautiful to man is burnt in the sight of the Almighty. What still seems impressive to many is actually rotten inwardly, and now it will be made visible (Rev 17:16) so that many, upon seeing, may understand and be saved.

  33. Those who have known and experienced Love, are to live in inner joy, because Jesus is “the” Joy (Jesus’s Revelation to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, “Joy albeit in suffering“, 01 January 1989). Jesus says: “In whichever case they find themselves, they are to remain humble and joyful, praising and giving thanks, because what matters is My call that espouses their Yes and bears real fruit, not merely appearances” (Jesus’s Revelation to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, “The Catechesis of Jesus“, 01 January 1988). In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

November 13, 2023
Memorial of Saint Omobono

The Pontiff