Open letter to young people and all those who aspire to be saints
With Mary, in order to become saints
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Mary is the wholly pure and wholly beautiful One (Lk 1:27b). Those who trust and take refuge in her Immaculate Heart have nothing to fear. Mary is She who crushed the head of the enemy of God (Gen 3:15) and so it will be again, and so it is every day for those who entrust themselves to Mary, emulating and embodying her virtues: obedience, purity and humility (Lk 1:46-48), the fundamental virtues and cornerstones of the Christian faith.
All those who are and want to be saints, are to look to Mary and her example of life, calling upon her maternal intercession and protection. Mary, the Help of Christians (Acts 1:14). Those who want to keep the authentic Christian faith are to pray to Mary, in order to be as Jesus desires (Lk 8:21). Those who want to be authentic Christians are to consecrate their lives to Mary, just as little Jesus did (Lk 2:51) consecrating his Most Sacred Heart to the Immaculate Heart of the One who is the Mother of God (Lk 1:35) and the Universal Mother, the Mother of all peoples who, now as then, want to follow the Morning Star that ushers everyone into the New Dawn of the awaited (Acts 1:6) and promised (Lk 22:18) Kingdom, where the Sprout (Jer 23:5) grows in the hearts of many in order to sanctify and save those who have become children in heart and adults in faith, and live to be holy in deeds and alive in Spirit.
This is the path taken by Mary, She who from being a simple creature has become the Handmaid of her Lord (Lk 1:38) and has been clothed with the grace of the Father (Lk 1:28), thus becoming, by grace, She who can do everything, because the Father has granted everything to Mary (Jn 2:3-5). She is the Coredemptrix of humanity (Lk 1:49). She is the Mediator between God and humanity which, now more than ever, experiencing barrenness and bewilderment, must entrust itself to Mary (Jn 19:27), in order to rise up again and return to God.
Those who desire victory are to pray and love, in Mary, with Mary and for Mary, spiritually uniting themselves to Jesus every day, in the living and holy communion (1 Jn 1:3, 6), of heart, soul and spirit (Jn 6:63). Everything can be conquered through prayer (Lk 18:1-7) and brotherhood (Jn 13:34).
This is to love God above all things (Deut 6:5). This is to live Jesus every day as the only primary Good (Phil 1:21). And here is the prayer of the Holy Rosary (Lk 1:42; 2:14), the sweet chain that brings us back to God, in Mary, with Mary and for Mary, and the most powerful weapon given by God to his sons to defeat his enemy.
The war between Michael and his angels against the infernal host is raging in Heaven (Rev 12:7-8). The war is in Heaven and also on Earth (Rev 12:9). The sons of God fight the good battle (Rev 12:11) to preserve and bring to everyone the True Faith in the One who saves (Acts 4:12), for only then can true Peace be in the world (Revelation to MGN, “The Divine Family and the Golden Staircase,” 25 December 1988).
Here is the true and holy brotherhood (Rom 12:10) that Jesus gave us by becoming Himself Brother and Friend (Jn 15:15), the dearest Friend who made everyone understand the meaning of true friendship by His example: “Love your neighbour as yourself” (Mk 12:31). Not a friendship based on the convenience of the hour, but on self-giving (Phil 2:5-8), out of love for those who share the same goal, the path that will lead all God’s sons, and all men of good will, to Salvation (Ex 14:13; Ps 13:7), to God’s Dwelling Place on Earth: the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2-3).
Here is the itinerary of Salvation (Is 25:9) outlined for all, especially for young people (1 Jn 2:13-14), those who, with ardour and an indomitable spirit, do not wander aimlessly but seek to give full sense to their lives (Mk 16:15-16), by living to be holy and perfect (Lv 20:7; Mt 5:48), so to become many little Jesuses and many little Marys (1Jn 3:2), overcoming every temptation and every trial (1Pt 1:7), laying down their entire daily life to the Father, to fulfill His Will every day (Mt 6:9-13; 7:21).
By following Mary, the Star (Mt 2:2), everything that seems to be hard or – for some – impossible, will simply become their journey (Lk 1:37), provided that, as Mary did, they are disposed to strip themselves of their “self” (Mt 16:24), allowing God the Almighty Father to clothe those who love Him with His Thought, His Grace, His infinite Love, who is a Person (Jn 1:14; 1 Jn 4:9-10).
Behold the Kingdom of the Saints on Earth (Rev 7:4-10), which comes to life in the Land of Love so that many may have life for eternity (Jn 17:2-3) in the One who is Life (Jn 14:6). In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
October 31, 2023
All Hallows’ Eve
The Pontiff