Easter Sunday and
the Easter Triduum of the Mother Church

  1. Easter (Jn 20) is the new Day, the Day of a new life, the centre of the journey of all the sons of the Mother Church. And on this day, all the sons of God must feel the new and fresh fragrance of the newness of the new life that is born, to leave the old one which once was and now no longer is.

  2. The Easter Triduum which in the liturgical reform of the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem consists of Holy Thursday, Holy Friday and Holy Saturday, accompanies the hearts of all the faithful in becoming as one and in their rebirth to new life, so to rise again in Christ, with Christ and for Christ, in a unique journey that reaches its fulfilment on Sunday, ‘Dies Domini’, the Lord’s day.

  3. On Holy Thursday (Jn 13; 14; 15; 16; 17), the sons of the Mother Church are called to live the celebration of the Last Supper, which Christ Jesus celebrated with His first friends. On that night, Jesus founded His Church by instituting the Eucharistic communion, in the spirit of sharing and brotherhood, which must bind the hearts of the sons to the Heart of the Lord, through the New Covenant which is completely fulfilled in the Kingdom of the Father. On that evening, Jesus with the gesture of the washing of the feet, consecrated the Apostles as ministers of the true God, purifying and cleansing them, so that they would be ready to administer His Church, in that ideal handover from Jesus to Peter and the Apostles, so that from that moment on, Peter and the Apostles could act and speak to the whole world in the name and on behalf of Jesus.

  4. On Holy Friday (Jn 18; 19), the sons of God relive the Passion and the Sacrifice of Jesus, uniting their own offering to the offering of Jesus, who gave Himself to give salvation to all His sons of that time and those ones of the future: a living, continuous and throbbing offering which lives in the Son and in the daily sacrifice of all God’s sons who want to offer their lives and their daily existence, in Christ, with Christ and for Christ.

  5. On Holy Saturday, the sons of God live in the waiting, in prayerful silence and in living prayer, in total and perfect union with Mary, the Handmaid, Bride and Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and Earth and the Universal Coredemptrix, She who, by means of Her prayer and intercession with the Father, shortened the time of Her Son’s resurrection, which was accomplished at the dawn of the new day.

April 03, 2021
Holy Saturday

The Pontiff