Open letter of Pontiff Samuel
To all the Christians and to the world of good will
Peace! Peace! Peace!
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. In this moment of great suffering and anguish that afflicts so many hearts and in which Peoples and Nations (Is 60:2), are increasingly distancing themselves from one another, increasingly resorting to the escalating use of weapons, I wish to address all Christians and the world who – still animated by goodwill – is not resigned to war, to the belief that using violence is the only means for solving the conflicts that have started and are being waged in several Continents of the world.
Violence is not from God, who commanded: “You shall not kill” (Deut 5:17). Jesus, the Son of the Living God, came into this world to make known the Essence and to epitomize the Substance of Love (Jn 1:14), towards God and neighbour (Mk 12:30-31)..
There are many points of leverage in the world nowadays that can be used instead of weapons to overcome those who oppress Peoples and Nations. And when there was goodwill, the Rulers of Nations and the Powerful Leaders of the World Institutions have shown to be fully capable of using these alternative leverages: the financial one, the economic one, the legal one, the social and even the environmental one.
In order to do this, however, it is necessary to demonstrate the courage (Ps 30:25) and the determination to follow different ways as alternative to weapons and violence, which on the surface are the easiest path but instead are actually devastating for everyone.
Many, in fact, forget – or pretend to forget – the consequences and the direct and indirect damage caused by war, the outcome of which is always unpredictable, although today – with the availability of nuclear armaments to many Nations – it is not difficult to foresee that the consequences would be fatal for everyone.The world is thus at risk of embarking on a road of no return (Ps 63:7). Conflicts that have already took place are not tending to subside but, on the contrary, are being protracted; others are gradually starting up, at the risk of involving a growing number of neighbouring countries members of Organisations of Nations that, if involved, would drag a growing number of peoples and countries into the conflict, as in a domino effect.
In this tragic context I wish to address my heartfelt appeal for Peace, first and foremost to Christians and Nations who recognise themselves in Jesus Christ (Jn 20:19), urging every effort to seek peace without resorting to war, but by deploying every lever available to Governments and those in charge of Institutions, extinguishing violence at its source, and not conforming to the attitude of Peoples and Nations who do not recognise themselves in Jesus and his teachings, which is timeless and eternal for all Christians.
Otherwise, what difference would there be between those who have known and acknowledged the Saviour (Mk 8:29) and all the others?
Let us unite in Jesus, in His authentic Magisterium, to pray and act so that the Leaders of the World Institutions will take action by all means for seeking Peace, in Christ, with Christ and for Christ (Jn 20:21), as a sign of distinction of all Christians, who are called to not foment hatred among those who already live by hatred and violence in this world, but instead to look towards eternal Peace and, consequently, to contribute to its attainment already on this Earth (Lk 2:14). In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
10 October 2023
Memory of Saint Daniel
The Pontiff