The Faithfulness in Christ
and the apostasy of Rome

October 31, 2016

The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem denounces and declares that, in the church of Rome, the living Apostasy is officially taking place, as announced by the Holy Scriptures and confirmed by God’s envoys in history, and in these times and in this day manifests itself to the whole world.

Bergoglio and his faithful ministers of the church of Rome, commemorating Luther and his reform, perform an act of sacrilege, against Christ and against the infallibility of Christ. He who is the master of the division cannot be united in Christ. Luther, with his heretical doctrine and with the example of his life, has despised the Body of Christ. We must love and defend the Body of Christ, leaving Him to penetrate into our heart, so to be united in His Body, Mystical Body that is Church. Bergoglio commemorates Luther because they share the same spirit of separation and of destruction of the mystical Body of Christ. Christ’s Life must be protected, appreciated, lived and most of all defended in Christ.

Bergoglio and the church of Rome have repudiated the proselytizing and consequently even the Project of Salvation wanted by God the Father Almighty, that is fulfilled only in the Son, Christ, the only Saviour of the world.

In the church of Rome, the faith in the true God, in Christ, the only Saviour, day after day is hit, disfigured and demeaned, in order to please everyone except God, that in His Son, in the work of His Son, has wanted to manifest His essence and His substance of Father, giving Salvation to the world, that is fulfilled only in Christ, the one Lord, the one Saviour.

Bergoglio and the Church of Rome have subverted the Plan of Salvation of the Father, cancelling the true Christian teachings, to pursue, with devilish will, a new draft of world religion, that aims to gather everyone in anti-Christian practices and in empty theories based on the word “love”. All this causes the wrath of the Father, that manifests and will manifest Himself. Humankind of goodwill and the pure in heart, understand and will understand the signs of the times; and many people, even among Christians, will awake from the deep sleep that grips them, and will realize that God’s Word cannot always be seen in a benevolent point of view, but that God is merciful but also just.

Christ unites the Gentiles. Christ unites people. Christ is the only Way to arrive to the Father’s Heart. The Son of God taught to announce all this, to make peoples and nations understand the unique Project of Salvation of the Father for humanity, without any obligation but announcing Christ, the only Saviour of all peoples, to allow everyone Live in the only Body which is Christ.

Freedom that the Father has given to humankind, can make this Project welcomed or not. But Christians that love Christ, that have consecrated their lives to Mary and Christ, have the obligation to evangelize, to proselytize, to bring the true knowledge to everyone: by opening their heart and, through the action of the Holy Spirit, leading them all to Christ, the only Saviour of the world, so that at the name of Jesus, everyone in Heaven, on Earth and in the world below, will kneel and every tongue and people and nation will invoke Christ and proclaim His praise (cf. Phil 2,10-11).