Press Release
April 20th, 2018
The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, with amazement and disconcertment have learned about the official statement issued on April 18, 2018 by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales of the Church of Rome on the case of little Alfie Evans.
A Church that is truly Christian, cannot simply state that “It is for that hospital…”, “to present to the British court… ”, “the medical reason for an exception to be made”.
The decision to save a life can never be an “exception”. It must be the rule. Always. Without ifs and buts. To delegate the judgment to the “hospital” and to the “British courts”, which already officially came out in favour to let little Alfie die, means in effect, to accept beyond the words euthanasia. This is the meaning of the words of a Bishops’ Conference of the Church of Rome.
The Church of Christ is one, holy and universal. She speaks with one voice and each member of Her is united with the one and only Body, Body of Christ. The Church of Rome, on the morning shows the world to want to help Alfie and his parents but, in an official way through her Bishops’ Conference, on the afternoon in fact denies everything, playing with words and not firmly taking side, without ambiguity, in defence of life and against euthanasia. Jesus said: «All you need say is “Yes” if you mean yes, “No” if you mean no» (Mt 5:37).
Once again, with one voice, without ambiguity, this Church makes Her voice strongly heard: «Save the life of Alfie Evans. Save the life of all the innocents. Euthanasia is not from God, Who has commanded: “You must not kill” (Mt 5:21). Let every father and every mother exercise their inviolable right to have their children treated where and how they consider it most appropriate, so that everything may be done to save every life, gift of God».