Press Release

April 23rd, 2019

The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem is close, with prayers and brotherly Love, to all the Christians and to all the men and women of good will victims of the act of death carried out and officially claimed by Islamic extremists against the Christian minority in the Country of Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday and that continued yesterday.

In expressing her condolences and her closeness, with prayers, to the families of the victims, to those who are injured and to all the people of Sri Lanka, this Church strongly condemns every act of violence and terrorism, especially those perpetrated by religious extremists in the name of God. God commanded everyone: «Do not kill» (Dt 5:17; Mt 5:21).

No religious belief can authorize or tolerate murdering in the Name of God. The international Community and every religious Community must strongly condemn these acts, making their voices loudly heard in condemning attacks that are being repeated in many Regions of the world, especially by Islamic extremists against Christian minorities, in the almost total indifference of many, in the first place the Roman Catholic Church which evidently no longer has as in priority the defence of the lives of her sons, preferring to pursue other policies and priorities, such as facilitating the mass migration of Muslim believers to countries of Christian tradition. Those who really care about the life and the religious faith of their sons, don’t just proclaim generic condemnations of generic terrorist acts, but intervene to actively defend Christians in every part of the world, without fear or reticence in condemning those who exterminate innocent Christians because of their religious faith.

May the Risen Christ, the One who gives Life and defeats death, embrace in His merciful Heart all His sons and all the men and women of good will who are victims of terrorism and of any kind of violence; and may He also express His disdain for those who are indifferent to the genocide of entire communities of Christians carried out in many Regions in all the world.