Press Release
Christmas 2021: Prayer and condolence
for the Christians and their families
victims of hatred and violence in the world”

December 28, 2021
Remembrance of the Holy Innocent martyrs

Christ was born to give us Peace. Christ was born to give us Love. Christ was born to give us Life. Christ’s sons are united in prayer to commemorate and to entrust to the Father’s mercy all the Christian victims, even during these Christmas festivities, of the violence and of the brutal and barbaric hatred against defenceless children, women and men in several countries around the world.

Worldwide, the number of episodes of violence against Christians are continually increasing, in the almost general indifference. The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem renews her heartfelt prayer to the Father so all violence may cease and peace may reign in the hearts of everyone; and also appeals to all the national and supranational institutions to intervene without delay to put an end to all violence against women, men and children raped and killed in the name of an alleged god.

God is Peace. God is Love. God is Life. God does not force. God does not obligate to any conversion. God is against death. This is taught by Jesus, the Man God who gave himself out of love for his children.

«Almighty Father, we offer You the sorrowful Passion of Jesus, His glorious Ascension to You, for these hard and difficult times. Lord, have mercy».