Press Release
“Condolences and prayer for the earthly
departure of Benedict XVI”
31st December, 2022
The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem expresses her condolences and joins in the prayer of Christians (Ps 68:14) who are in mourning for the earthly departure of Benedict XVI, the last pontiff of the Roman Catholic Christianity, who always strived in defending the tradition of the doctrine of the Christian faith, who has always been sincerely animated by love for Jesus and His teachings (Ps 39:9) and has always been intimately united with his predecessor John Paul II.
To the Heart of the Eternal Father, we entrust the soul of Benedict XVI, so that the Good and Holy, Merciful and Just Father may dispose of him as He pleases (Ps 41:3).
And, through the action of the Divine Spirit, we pray the Father so that the Almighty may now manifest His Love and Goodness even more: to all the Christians who, in these hard and difficult times, seek and invoke Jesus with a sincere heart, and to the men and women of good will, so that, now as then, following the Star (Mt 2:2), they may come and adore Him who has come down again from Heaven in Spirit and Truth (Jn 4:24; 16:13), to bring everyone to new life, so that many may have Life for eternity (Jn 3:16; 10:10; 17:3).