Press Release
“Prayer of condolence for
the death of Indi Gregory”
13 November 2023
Indi Gregory, the eight-month-old baby girl with a rare disease, to whom has been imposed the removal of the life support that kept her alive, has died.
The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem extends its heartfelt condolences to Dean Gregory and Claire Staniforth, the parents of Indi, expressing appreciation for their unwavering parental courage in fighting for the life of their child and also expressing appreciation for all those, Institutions, Associations, Media and Citizens, the Christians and those animated by Goodwill who, at every level, took concrete actions to defend Indi’s life and the Sacredness of Life.
Indi has not and must not have died in vain. Now, from Heaven, Indi will help us even more, joining the ranks of Martyrs and Holy Innocents, to fight and win against the culture of death, which must not prevail over the culture of life. This is the true culture of waste, not others. Only God, the creator of all things, can decide on people’s life or death. No man can arrogate this entitlement which belongs solely to the Creator (Ps 49:6).
One day, we will all be called to appear before the One Supreme Tribunal of God, believers and non-believers alike. And everyone will be held accountable for their own deeds. God, the Good and Holy, Merciful and Just Judge, will judge everyone according to their words, deeds and omissions. Those found worthy of life will go to Heaven (Lk 23:43), for eternity; those found guilty will go to Hell (Lk 16:23), for eternity. This is the Universal Christian Doctrine that is immutable and eternal.
United with Indi and all the innocent Martyrs, let us offer every suffering to God, striving every day to be holy (Mt 5:48), putting into practice the Commandment of Love that Jesus taught us (Lk 10:27; Jn 13:34), so to live the communion of Saints, in the living union between Heaven and Earth, and to continue fighting the good fight (1Tm 6:12) in order to build the Kingdom of God already on this Earth: The Kingdom of Peace and Justice (Is 9:6; Rom 14:17), of Love and Life (Jn 17:3).