Press Release
“Condolences and prayers for the Christian victims
of today’s attack in
Burkina Faso during Mass”
25 February 2024
The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem expresses its condolences for the victims of today’s attack perpetrated against defenceless believers who were participating in a liturgical celebration in Burkina Faso, and expresses its closeness in prayer for the local Christian community and for all the families of the victims and the wounded.
Once again, Christians, merely for being ‘Christians’, have been brutally attacked and killed.
The persecution against Christians must come to an end and the International Authorities cannot once again close their eyes to an increasingly evident reality, which only those who do not want to see and hear do not see and hear, as highlighted for the umpteenth time by the Open Doors report (see World Watch List 2024) that highlights the extent of a persecutory phenomenon that can no longer be concealed.