Prayer of Consecration to Mary
to be recited during the month of May
In the spiritual communion of hearts, the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem invites Her faithful and all people of goodwill to recite, for the entire month of May, the following prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother Church, New Jerusalem, in order to be able to understand the essence of the motherhood of Mary, Good and Tender Mother, which binds everything and everyone to the only Body which is Christ, the One who wins over death, cancels sin and leads to God the Father Almighty.
Consecration to Mary, our Good and Tender Mother
(prayer revealed to Maria G. Norcia on August 15, 1983)
O Mary, our good and tender Mother,
preserve us always from mortal sin.
For all my life I give You my heart, my body and my will.
Holy Mother, make me humble, good and obedient
do not deny me Your protection
and never leave me alone here below.
(Hail Mary)