Novena for the Feast of the Archangels
Michael, Gabriel and Raphael

In the spiritual communion of hearts, the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem invites all Her faithful to recite the Novena for the Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael

(To be recited from 20 to 28 September)

Revelation to Maria G. Norcia on October 2, 1983
“Three Archangels have descended:
Michael the Archangel is the Defender;
Gabriel the Archangel is the Announcer;
Raphael the Archangel is the Guide;
Saint Michael says:
«Write these words ordered by the Highest…»


To the Most Holy Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, I adore You, I love You,
and I want, with this little act,
to renew the promises of my Baptism to you,
thus renouncing Satan.
Grant that my heart may always be immersed
in the One and Triune Mystery.
Holy Trinity, I adore You
and I wish to repair all the indignities, irreverences
and sins committed against Your Divinity.

(Our Father)


To the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Heart of Jesus, our only hope!
Heart of Mary, our only refuge!
O Jesus, I love You with the heart of Mary, Your Mother;
I adore You with the profound adorations of Your beloved Mother;
I console You with the Heart of Mary.
So I beg You, by the Father’s Power, save me!
By Your Knowledge, purify me!
And by the love of the Holy Spirit, make my heart always burn with Divine Love!

(three Glory Be)


To the afflicted Most Holy Mary

I, a poor sinner, prostrate myself before You,
to humbly ask forgiveness for all the sins
I have committed during my life.
Now I want to repair with the unanimous promises I am about to make You,
asking the Lord for the grace of eternal Life.
I will console You and as much as I can,
I will make You known and loved by all those who do not love You,
Thus consoling Your Immaculate Heart.
In You I trust, in You I hope, and You alone I want to love!

(Hail Mary)


To St. Michael

Invincible St. Michael, faithful Prince of the Heavenly Army, we sons of Mary, with deep devotion to Her Immaculate Heart, offer our prayer to You.

«Safeguard the sons of God. Safeguard and defend the Truth. Infuse Your Strength, Your Obedience and Your Holiness in every heart, so that every son may proclaim their faith in Christ the Lord».

Invincible St. Michael, mighty Defender of God’s Mystery, to You we cry for help, asking to be defended by Your sword, protected by Your wings and victorious in battle.

«Keep temptations away from the hearts of God’s sons. Defeat deception and the sons of iniquity. Annihilate the evil one and all his armies, for the victory and the triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart».

(Immaculate of the Holy Spirit)