Novena to St. Michael the Archangel
In the spiritual communion of hearts, the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem invites all Her faithful to recite the Novena in honour of St. Michael the Archangel on the occasion of the Feast of the Archangels St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael, in the awareness that “St. Michael is the Defender, Saint Gabriel is the Announcer, Saint Raphael is the Guide”. (As revealed by God the Father Almighty to Maria Giuseppina Norcia on 2 October 1983)
(To be recited from 20 to 28 September)
Invincible St. Michael, faithful Prince of the Heavenly Army, we sons of Mary, with deep devotion to Her Immaculate Heart, offer our prayer to You.
«Safeguard the sons of God. Safeguard and defend the Truth. Infuse Your Strength, Your Obedience and Your Holiness in every heart, so that every son may proclaim their faith in Christ the Lord».
Invincible St. Michael, mighty Defender of God’s Mystery, to You we cry for help, asking to be defended by Your sword, protected by Your wings and victorious in battle.
«Keep temptations away from the hearts of God’s sons. Defeat deception and the sons of iniquity. Annihilate the evil one and all his armies, for the victory and the triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart».