Prayer in defence of the Family

The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem invites everyone to join in prayer in the communion of hearts, in order to fight for and defend the sacraments of the Father, that in the Family find fulfilment.

True Christians are now aware, more than ever, that the anti-Christian spirit advances in the world: a spirit that does not proceed from the Father and that wants to subvert every rule, that wants to subvert all what the Father has established, that wants to take the place of the natural evolution that comes from the Father.

Aware of this, authentic Christians turn to the Father and invoke Him, so that the Father may protect the Family the way it has been conceived and wanted from the beginning.

True Christians want to renew the consecration of their lives to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother, Queen and Bride, so that, through the intercession of Her Immaculate Heart, their prayers may arrive to the Father’s Heart and find foundation in His Spirit.

All Christians must understand that God’s mercy must be sought, desired and fervently wanted, through the comprehension and the analysis of their hearts, that want to leave the ways of sin to embrace the Way of Christ, that makes raise and that leads to the Father. Only this way leads to the true and infinite Mercy that comes from God the Father Almighty, the live Mercy, through which everyone will be able to live.


The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem invites all Her faithful and all people of goodwill, in the freedom granted to every heart, to recite with ardour and live and total holiness, the following prayers in honour and for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary:


To St. Joseph

Glorious St. Joseph, Obedient Guardian of God’s Treasure, we Your children reverently bow to You, asking for the grace You can attain us.

Safeguard the Universal Church of Christ, so that the Truth of the Christian faith may dwell in the hearts of the sons of God and may be welcomed in the hearts of all people of goodwill.

Safeguard the Family, the first domestic Church, so that spousal union and the fruits of holy love may be protected and loved, defended and respected, preserved and never violated.

Safeguard the sacredness of Life against every human selfishness, so that Life, the Father’s gift, may be loved and preserved from natural conception for as long as God wills.

Glorious St. Joseph, teach us to live in holy purity, living obedience and profound humility, to  make the Christian faith shine forth, to treasure it in Truth and to allow it to be welcomed by those of goodwill.

Glorious St. Joseph, help us, for the triumph and the victory of the Infant Jesus.

(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)


 Consecration to Mary, our Good and Tender Mother

(prayer revealed to Maria G. Norcia on August 15, 1983)

O Mary, our good and tender Mother,
preserve us always from mortal sin.
For all my life I give You my heart, my body and my will.
Holy Mother, make me humble, good and obedient
do not deny me Your protection
and never leave me alone here below.

(Hail Mary)



To the afficted Most Holy Mary

(prayer revealed to Maria G. Norcia on October 2, 1983)

O Mary, O Queen of the universe,
I, poor sinner, bow down to You,
to humbly ask You forgiveness
for all the sins I have committed during my life.
Now I want to repair with the unanimous promises I am about to make You,
asking the Lord for the grace of eternal life.
I will console You and as far as possible
I will make you known and loved by all those who do not love You,
consoling thus Your Immaculate Heart.
In You I trust, in You I hope, and only You I want to love!

(Hail Mary)


Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

prayer requested by Jesus to Maria G. Norcia on March 10, 1986

O Mary, Mother of Jesus and my Mother,
I consecrate myself to You,
so that all those whom the Father has entrusted, is entrusting and will entrust to me,
may be consecrated in the Truth
and take full part in the Plan of Love and Redemption,
for the glory and honor of the Father.
Mary, You who have, once and for all, begotten Jesus by means of the Holy Spirit;
in the same way give birth spiritually to Your only Son Jesus in us,
by means of the Holy Spirit,
whenever He does not dwell in our hearts.
Mary, You who, conforming Yourself to the Father,
loved me somuch that you gave Your only Son for my Redemption,
grant me to live You,
specially in the loving union with the Father Creator,
with the Son Redeemer, and with the Holy Spirit,
the substantial Love of the Father and of the Son, and thus,
in loving union with my brothers,
who have been created by the Father, redeemed by the Son, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
Mary, may I always live You, in Love for God and my neighbor.

(Hail, Holy Queen)