Prayer of consecration in the Life of Christ
Saviour and King of the universe
The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, Mystical Body of Christ, calls all Her faithful and all people of good will to totally consecrate themselves in the Life of Christ, in the communion between Heaven and Earth, so that all those who rest and already are in Christ, may right from now foretaste the triumph of the Life in Christ; the Life that joins those who, believers on Earth, live Christ, with those who already now totally live in the Fulfilment.
Every heart is to ardently demonstrate the desire and the will to totally consecrate themselves in the Life of Christ, the only Saviour and King of the Universe, the King of the holy people of God, those who have never lost the Way nor profaned the Life, but have remained faithful in the Truth in order to be authentic and righteous, and to manifest a live and precise identity: united in Christ, with Christ and for Christ, Way, Truth and Life, to be able to live the Life to the fullest, to travel the Way with awareness and to be Truth deeply inside.
All those who live on this Earth, in this arid and lost humanity, but do not live in Christ, will remember the words announced by God’s Son to the Woman of God: «The living will envy the dead who have fallen asleep in Christ, to be now alive and to wait for the glory».
The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem invites Her faithful and all people of goodwill to pray, with faith and love, the following prayer to Baby Jesus, in the communion of the saints and in communion with Mary who, welcoming with Her “yes” the Father’s Will, has given Life to the Mystery of the New Jerusalem, welcoming in Her pure heart, Baby Jesus, descended on Earth to lead, in Spirit and Truth, the sons of God and the people of goodwill to live the eternal Life.
(from 2nd November to the Feast of Christ the King
Feast of Christ the King: last Sunday of every month of November)