*[On the day of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception]:
On this [solemn and holy]*day, dear Mother, we, Your sons, turn to You.
Protect us with Your mantle. Satiate us with Your Love. Make us pure, holy and obedient, just as You, O Immaculate of the Holy Spirit, are obedient, pure and holy.
O Immaculate of living Faithfulness, we, Your sons, ask Your Heart, , to bring Your Son, Our Jesus, to victory, so that everyone may know and love Your Immaculate Heart and Your Infinite Goodness.
Mother of the Most High, as sons we prostrate ourselves before You, asking for Your living blessing, so that we may live and love You, understand You in the depths of Your Mystery and be held close to Your Heart, so to become true and holy sons who, in Your Motherly Love want to pursue the only Truth that saves, Christ; to remain firm on the only Way that leads to salvation, Christ; and so to live Eternal Life, Christ, who lives with You and will reign for ever and ever. Amen.